The November 28 Rushford Council meeting welcomed the new Rolling Hills Transit Director, Melinda Fields, who discussed upcoming plans and needs for the regional transportation company. It operates 13 routes within Dodge, rural Olmsted, Winona, Fillmore, and Houston counties. Service is available for anyone, providing curb-to-curb service with handicap accessibility at … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central completes audit
At the November 22 meeting, the Fillmore Central School Board heard from Jason Boyton, audit principal for Smith Schafer. There were no compliance issues noted. The firm conducted a single audit due to federal funding over the $7,000 threshold. Average Daily Membership (AMD) for 2022 stands at 265 in grades 7-12, 265 in grades 1-6, and 51 in kindergarten and preschool. The … [Read more...]
Rushford Village hammers out hall rental agreement
At the November 15 meeting, Rushford Village Council received an update from City Clerk Mary Miner and City Attorney Joe O’Koren regarding the ongoing overhaul of the hall rental agreement. The hall closed to rental in early 2020, due to the pandemic, but lifted those restrictions in March of this year. Revision of the agreement came about following a request to rent the hall … [Read more...]
Highway 30 project wrapping up in Rushford
After six months, the Highway 30 Utility and Street Improvement Project is wrapping up for the year and the road is officially open to traffic. Like most projects, there will be a number of punch list items to wrap up next spring. According to the last notice, sent to affected residents November 4, asphalt paving will be completed this month, as will concrete driveways and … [Read more...]
Peterson Council settles budget
Concerns over rising costs led the Peterson Council to approve a 5% budget and tax levy increase for 2023. The council set the preliminary amount at 8% or $105,973. Councilor Chris Stenzel noted comparative levies from other cities in the 5-7% range, the smaller increases in cities able to absorb the costs better. “Everyone is experiencing a lot of higher costs,” added … [Read more...]
Rushford Village project planning commences
For more than a year, the Rushford Village council has debated how to proceed with a remodeling addition to the Public Works maintenance shop. There is no water or heating access at the largely unfinished shop, leaving the department no way to clean equipment. The village has several new pieces of large equipment, including a custom truck, so the council has planned … [Read more...]
Fountain considers Sky Warn program placement
At the November 2 meeting, the Fountain council heard from representatives of the Fillmore Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and Southeast Minnesota Amateur Radio Club. Jim Miller and Brian Stockman touted efforts to aid emergency services through weather spotting and other communication. Miller serves as Fillmore County ARES Coordinator while Stockman as the Fillmore … [Read more...]
Rushford promotes business opportunities
After months of closed session discussion, the City of Rushford has opted to reject a counteroffer from Farmers Win Cooperative for the purchase of the former elevator site in downtown Rushford. The council approved submission of a purchase agreement earlier in the month, including acceptance of no counteroffers. The city’s offer was largely focused more on the contingencies … [Read more...]
Rushford Village revamps hall rental agreement
Last month, City Attorney Joe O’Koren cautioned the Rushford Village ouncil regarding its current rental agreement for the village hall. The topic came following a request to rent the village hall and sought permission to serve alcohol at an upcoming event. Similar past requests were council approved with a public insurance certificate naming the city as a covered party. … [Read more...]
Peterson mayoral seat sees multiple candidates
The October 12 Peterson Council saw new Mayor Dave Colbenson bring up several agenda additions. Colbenson had served as councilor and mayor pro tem until September 7. At that meeting, Mayor Tim Hallum resigned and accepted the new Public Works Director position. Colbenson will serve the city as mayor until the end of the year. “I hate to bring this up, but with good … [Read more...]
Rushford moves to purchase former Farmers Win Cooperative site
After a closed meeting session before the regular October 11 Rushford City Council meeting, the council approved proceeding with the submission of an agreement to Farmers Win. The motion indicated the city would stand with the offer, including all contingencies and that it would neither give nor accept any counteroffer. “Our offer is what it is,” noted Councilor Jim … [Read more...]
Fountain celebrates successful event; plans for next
The City of Fountain hosted the Relay for Life event on August 19 and will host the American Cancer Society fundraiser again in 2023. “It was a huge success. We were well over our goal,” enthused 2022 event coordinator and city councilor Colleen Foehrenbacher. The event raised $66,000 through walker donations and a silent auction. Cities agree to host the event for two years. … [Read more...]
Rushford Village talks road safety
At the October 4 meeting, the Rushford Village Council was made aware of a visit from a local farmer inquiring about the status of County Line Road. With harvest season already in swing, whether or not the road would be open was a concern. The middle section, leading from the blufftops to the valley below, is steep and winding. A portion of it eroded into the roadway this year. … [Read more...]
Rushford seeks airport engineering qualifications
The September 26 Rushford Council meeting held only one item of general business, which was unanimously approved. It provided authority to advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for airport engineering and planning services. The process is required prior to the city entering into a master service agreement every five years. The current agreement with Mead & Hunt … [Read more...]
Rushford Village to hold extra budgetary meeting
The Rushford Village council opted to continue its September 20 meeting to September 26 for the purpose of discussing the 2023 budget further. Mayor Dennis Overland and Councilor Roger Knutson were absent for the regularly scheduled meeting, so Mayor Pro Tem Mike Ebner headed up the agenda. Councilor Bob Hart previously asked for additional information regarding funds, … [Read more...]