At the August 2 meeting of the county board, Bruce Schwartzman and Henry Pittner, BKV Group, presented a schematic design for the jail remodeling and addition. BKV Group last presented to the county board on June 7. Since then, they have worked through plans, systems, materials, and have studied the site for all underground utilities that may conflict with … [Read more...]
CUP recommended by Fillmore County Planning Commission
The Fillmore County Planning Commission met on July 21 for a public hearing to consider an application for a conditional use permit for a sand and gravel pit, located in section 19 of Spring Valley Township. Mitch Froehlich spoke for Ulland Brothers, Inc., a local paving and excavation contractor (founded in 1920). The employee-owned company has a three-year lease agreement … [Read more...]
Chatfield to continue bag system for waste removal
At the July 25 meeting of the Chatfield City Council, a resolution was unanimously approved to continue the current method of waste and recycling collection for at least another year. Bill Hanson, William Hanson Waste Removal, agreed now is not a good time to make a switch. The Public Services committee needs more time to resolve the many issues that have popped up over the … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Community Corrections savings
The newly hired Community Corrections Director Tom Jensen addressed the Fillmore County board for the first time at its July 26 meeting. Jensen has been on the job for the county since July 18. He has been working on the 2023 budget for the new department. The board voted to withdraw from Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted Community Corrections and the Joint Powers Agreement, effective … [Read more...]
MiBroadband to expand internet service for Fillmore County residents
A groundbreaking event was held on July 18 to announce two broadband projects, one in rural Fillmore County and one in Howard/Chickasaw Counties in Iowa. MiBroadband was awarded a $1.1 million grant in 2021 from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Border-to-Border Grant. The grant and a $2.1 million local match will be used to upgrade … [Read more...]
Chatfield approves 2022 crack-filling plan
Brian Burkholder provided a list of streets that are scheduled to get crack-filling maintenance at the city council’s July 11 meeting. Streets to be crack-filled are those that had been overlayed in the years from 2017 to the present. A bid from Durst Outdoor Services in the amount of $27,892.80 was approved. The plan from Widseth to crack-fill streets from years one through … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Airport to receive $950,000
At the July 11 Fillmore County Board meeting, airport manager Pam Schroeder reported that the Fillmore County Airport will be awarded a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant in the amount of $950,000. It is one of four grants to be received by Minnesota airports. The federal funding is part of the bi-partisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that was signed into … [Read more...]
Scouting for soybean aphids and armyworms
Extension Educator University of Minnesota Extension Fillmore and Houston Counties Despite the somewhat late start to the planting season, we are seeing soybean aphids and armyworms starting to pop up in southern Minnesota. If you have not already started you should be scouting for these pests. Now with alfalfa weevils still floating around, one might think that we aren’t … [Read more...]
Preston extends Park Lane development land option
The Preston City Council met on July 5 for their regular meeting. Gabby Kinneberg, in her role as EDA director, reported on two separate option agreements for the possible purchase of 3.7 acres for a Park Lane development. A Housing Committee formed in 2018 worked to compile areas for residential expansion. The Park Lane area was one of these areas; it could possibly be … [Read more...]
New city administrator settles into new position
In early June, the Preston City Council hired Ryan Throckmorton as the new city administrator. He was one of four applicants interviewed for the position. Throckmorton brings both his past experience working with the city of Preston and youth to his new job. He expects the transition to be smoother, due to his years of experience with the city. He is a graduate of Fillmore … [Read more...]
Chatfield awarded Outdoor Recreation Grant
City Clerk Joel Young reported at the city council’s June 27 meeting that the city’s application for the FY23 Outdoor Recreation Grant Program was selected for funding. The grant is expected to be in the amount of $77,000. Councilor Josh Broadwater was absent. The funds are to be used to help pay for the construction of a bridge across Mill Creek in Groen Park. The total … [Read more...]
Fillmore County recognizes need for inflation related budgeting adjustments
At the June 28 Fillmore County Board meeting, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reported on the April Consumer Price Index (CPI). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics had reported that costs increased 8.3% before seasonal adjustment over the last 12 months. Hillery noted they generally use the April CPI to establish a possible cost of living increase in the budgeting process … [Read more...]
Preston to advertise for bids for Circle Heights Drive Project
City Engineer Brett Grabau presented plans and specifications for the Circle Heights Drive Improvement project at the Preston City Council’s June 20 meeting. Grabau introduced a tentative project schedule. Plans and specifications and the authorization to advertise for bids were both approved. As the project will cost more than $175,000, it must go through the public … [Read more...]
State veterans home scheduled to open next summer
Local and county officials, veterans home committee members, and interested citizens met for an in-person meeting at the Preston Servicemen’s Club on June 21. Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Larry Herke opened the meeting. The focus of this meeting was the need to find and contract with community suppliers for services. Herke introduced a number of MDVA … [Read more...]
Fillmore County hears valuation appeals
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery administered the oath to county commissioners and Auditor/Treasurer Christy Smith as Board of Appeal & Equalization members at the June 14 public meeting. County Assessor Jason McCaslin began by explaining the assessor’s role in the property tax system. The tax burden is to be distributed evenly and according to Minnesota statutes. Each … [Read more...]