I sat down with Sheila Craig at her kitchen table in rural Preston, Minn. Her husband Norm sat in another room, while I conducted the interview. Norm and Sheila, who have been married since 1969, raised two sons, Andy, 45, and Lee, 41. Norm, who is from Everly, Iowa, met Sheila at Iowa State University. Here’s what I learned... Hailing from Decorah, Iowa, Sheila … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… Our Schools – in Print and Online
As you navigate this newspaper each week, you’ll notice we dedicate a great amount of content and space to our area schools. We consider our schools to be a nucleus of our communities. We cover school board meetings. We recognize the accomplishments of students in the areas of academics, arts, and sports. We publish tribute pages when individuals and teams advance to the … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… Another Turkey Day Run
Thanksgiving Day seems to arrive pretty fast, as these years keep flying by. We are quickly approaching another feast. And, on this day, our newspaper will be hosting the 15th annual Fillmore County Turkey Day Run. In today’s issue of the Fillmore County Journal, you’ll find information about the annual tradition. I’ve always considered this event a perfect way to start … [Read more...]
Upcoming Special Elections
If there are any voters who feel like it’s an off year for elections, don’t worry. Next year will make up for it. While it may seem a little quieter year for an election, voters in certain communities will be called to action to make some pretty important decisions this November. In many cases, with these special elections, voters will be voting with their tax … [Read more...]
Search Warrants Issued Relating To Amish Buggy Fatal Accident
At approximately 8:26 a.m. on the morning of September 25, 2023, a horse drawn Amish buggy carting four children on County Road 1 in the Sumner Center area was struck by a vehicle. Seven-year-old Wilma Miller and 11-year-old Irma Miller were both fatally injured in the crash. Nine-year-old Alan Miller and 13-year-old Rose Miller were both transported to St. Marys Hospital with … [Read more...]
Why is There a Shortage of Law Enforcement Applicants?
Over the past few years, local law enforcement agencies have noticed a decline in applications for law enforcement positions. Where many organizations were accustomed to seeing hundreds of applicants, they are experiencing drought-like conditions. In August 2023, Goodhue Police Chief Josh Smith submitted his resignation at a city council meeting in Goodhue, Minn. Smith, … [Read more...]
Fravel Facing First-Degree Murder
Adam Fravel, age 29, facing charges for the murder of Madeline Kingsbury, appeared in Winona County District Court on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. Madeline, who had two children, ages five and two, with Adam, went missing on Friday, March 31, 2023. More than 2,000 volunteers, law enforcements, first responders, and firefighters scoured the countryside between Rushford and … [Read more...]
Annual Cooking Contest To Be Held at Rushford Foods on October 14
Are you ready to show-off your cooking skills and share some great recipes with more than 57,000 readers of this newspaper? You’re in luck! For the 14th annual Tasty Temptations Cookbook, the event will be held at Rushford Foods in Rushford, Minn., on October 14. The judges will begin taste testing at 11 a.m. with plans to conclude the contest by noon that day. We have … [Read more...]
Fatal Skid Loader Incident in Chatfield
At approximately 1 p.m. on Monday, September 25, 2023, an 82-year-old female was traveling along River Street in Chatfield, Minn., on her motorized scooter. According to Chatfield Police Chief Shane Fox, there was a tree removal company clearing out an area at a nearby lot. While cleaning up the lot, the driver of a skid loader backed off of the boulevard of the lot onto the … [Read more...]
Culture and Community: Where People Discover God’s Country
For anyone who has ever travelled from Chatfield to Fountain on Highway 52, they’ve observed “God’s Country.” They’ve seen it spray painted bold and black on a 70-year-old steel farm building full of round hay bales. Tom, who grew up in Rochester, Minn., discovered God’s Country when he was just a kid. He recalls when he was about nine years old, he would ride a Jefferson … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… Hutchinson News in Kansas or Minnesota?
This past week, there was a buzz in the newspaper industry about a faux pas for The Hutchinson News located in Hutchinson, Kan. They had a wonderfully designed front page showing a group of senior citizens kayaks on a lake in Hutchinson. The headline of the story read, “Engaged, happy and active.” It was about all about how the Hutchinson Senior Center keeps seniors busy … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… National Newspaper Carrier Day – September 4
I’ve been working in the newspaper business, technically, since I was 10 years old. That’s when I started delivering a shopper route in Northwest Rochester. I had 200 shoppers to deliver, spanning 17 blocks in our neighborhood. It became a family affair. The shoppers would arrive and we would stuff them in long plastic bags to protect them from the elements on the doorstep … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… “I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
Made famous by Dorothy and her ruby red slippers, that was the memorable moment when Judy Garland’s character realized she had suddenly arrived in the Land of Oz. Well, Marion County seemed to have a tornado of sorts rip through the little town of Marion (pop. 1,902). It was like the Land of Oz with a few agendas working behind the curtains of the law. On Friday, August … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… Corporate vs. Family-owned Newspapers
A few weeks ago, a Rochester Post-Bulletin reporter contacted me regarding my thoughts on a report presented by the Minnesota Center for Rural Policy & Develop-ment (MCRPD) in April 2023. I told the reporter I was glad he contacted me, because I had actually sent an email to Julie Tesch, president & CEO of the MCRPD. I shared my email to Julie with the P-B reporter, … [Read more...]
Mabel Firefighter Runs for Maddi
Since Madeline Kingsbury’s body was discovered several miles north of Mabel, Minn., Rick Aske has done his part to show support for the Kingsbury family during a very difficult time. Every week, Aske mows and trims the lawn of the memorial site dedicated to Maddi. And, he recently coordinated a fundraiser in tandem with the annual Run from the Sun event held in Mabel, … [Read more...]