The February 11 Harmony City Council meeting opened with the consent agenda. It was approved and included the minutes of the January 14 meeting, the claims and January checks, the cash in CD, cash balances, and the MPCA compliance evaluation inspection report. The council reviewed an agreement with the property owner of 160 2nd Ave SE. The home needs to be repaired or … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Council Hears Complaints About Civil Siren
At the opening of the February 3 Lanesboro City Council meeting, Mayor Alicia Pearson asked for input from the rest of the council on the addition of a number of items to the agenda. She recommended that a positive news report, updates on the Highway 250 project, and updates on the search for an EDA director be added as standing agenda items. The rest of the council did not … [Read more...]
Harmony Council Sworn In
The January 14 Harmony City Council meeting opened with the swearing in of returning council member Jesse Grabau, new council member Tara Morem, and returning mayor Steve Donney. The consent agenda was approved and included the minutes of the regular December 10 meeting and the November 19 special meeting, the claims and December checks, the cash in CD, and cash balances as … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Welcomes New Mayor, Council Members
The January 6 Lanesboro City Council meeting opened with newly elected mayor Alicia Pearson, returning council member Kathryn Wade, and new council member Joe Cullen all taking the oath of office. A handout was available for the public explaining what the open meeting laws are and why the council uses Robert’s Rules of Order. Lanesboro resident Phil Dybing welcomed the new … [Read more...]
Walsh/Gatzke Family Wraps Up Christmas Dinner Tradition
It all started with Ellen Scheevel, Jo Fitzgerald, and Lois Barlow. The three friends talked about the idea of hosting a community Christmas dinner for a few years before deciding to go for it in 1998. That first year, they held it in the basement of St. Columban’s Catholic Church in Preston with an attendance of between 30 and 40 people. Over the next few years, the numbers … [Read more...]
Local Food Shelves Busy During Holiday Season
It’s the biggest time of year for many charities and other helping organizations as the holiday spirit encourages giving and an outward focus. That holds true for the Semcac food shelves in Preston, Caledonia and Rushford, as well as for other area food shelves. The holiday season is the biggest time of year for donations. Local businesses, churches, and even schools across … [Read more...]
Harmony City Council Hears Assessment Appeal
At the December 10 Harmony City Council meeting, Harmony resident David Kiehne requested a reduction in his 66-foot assessment, stating that his footage measured 40 feet. He was aware that the minimum footage assessed per city policy is 60 feet so wasn’t sure why his property was assessed at 66 feet. He also noted that the assessment policy had last been reviewed in 2014, and … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Council Approves 2025 Tax Levy
The December 2 Lanesboro City Council meeting opened with the annual Truth in Taxation public hearing. There were no questions or comments. Four Lanesboro residents spoke about the library board during the public comments portion of the meeting. Anna Loney said that she felt the lines of communication were still blurred, even after the mediated joint meeting between the city … [Read more...]
Shelly Hanson Inducted into Missouri Sports Hall of Fame
Shelly Hanson describes her high school basketball career as the best years of her life, and with good reason. Hanson, owner of the B & B Olympic Bowl in Preston, grew up and went to school in Palmyra, Mo. During the four years she played, the team went to state every single year. Hanson credits her coach, Robert Fohey with the team’s success and her personal success. He … [Read more...]
Harmony Engineer Answers Assessment Questions
A public hearing was held at the beginning of the November 12 Harmony City Council meeting to discuss the 2024 street and utility project assessments. City Engineer Brett Grabau stated that three different areas of improvement were done during the project and each one had varying assessment unit prices. The total project costs were $1,796,359.70 with assessed costs coming to … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central Reviews Audit Report
The November 13 Fillmore Central School Board meeting opened with the 2023-2024 audit report from Jason Boynton of Smith Schafer. An unmodified clean opinion was issued for the report. Boynton noted that funding for the district is driven by the average daily membership, which has decreased by 50 students overall since 2017. The revenues for the general fund was higher than the … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Continues Partnership with SMIF
At the November 4 Lanesboro City Council meeting, Philanthropy Director of SMIF Aaron Johnson reviewed what SMIF does for Southern Minnesota with the council, noting that $14 million has been invested in Fillmore County so far. SMIF supports entrepreneurs, early childhood development, and community vitality. Johnson thanked the city of Lanesboro for its support over the years … [Read more...]
Meet the New Fillmore Central Teachers
Belle Berg, the new Third grade teacher at Fillmore Central, graduated from Chatfield High School and earned a degree in Elementary Education with a Reading Endorsement from Luther College. She was inspired to become a teacher by her late grandmother, Linda Schulz, who was Berg’s elementary school secretary. “She touched so many lives, and I can only hope to make a difference … [Read more...]
Debate Continues Over Proposed Ordinances Regarding Lanesboro Library
The October 7 Lanesboro City Council meeting opened with two public hearings. The first hearing was regarding the proposed city ordinances 31.80, 31.82, 31.82, and 31.83 about the library board. Multiple community members spoke out against the proposed ordinances. Anna Loney presented a petition with 178 names asking the council not to change the library board to advisory. She … [Read more...]
Harmony Council Approves Variance Request for Monster Bash
At the October 8 Harmony City Council meeting, the consent agenda was approved and included the minutes of the September 17, the claims and September checks, the cash in CD, the cash balances, and a thank you letter from SMIF for the city’s recent donation. The council reviewed and approved change order #1 for the street and utility project as recommended by city engineer … [Read more...]