Photo by Hannah Wingert
The January 14 Harmony City Council meeting opened with the swearing in of returning council member Jesse Grabau, new council member Tara Morem, and returning mayor Steve Donney.
The consent agenda was approved and included the minutes of the regular December 10 meeting and the November 19 special meeting, the claims and December checks, the cash in CD, and cash balances as well as an agreement renewal with Gundersen Health System for business health services. Resolution 2025-01 was adopted setting the 2025 city appointments with Tara Morem replacing Domingo Kingsley on the budget and personnel committee. Jesse Grabau was set as mayor pro tempore, and Kyle Scheevel took Mayor Donney’s place on the EDA board. All other appointments remained the same.
The annual COLA increase of 3% as recommended by the personnel committee pending the yearly reviews was approved.
Resolution 2025-02 accepting the voting account agreement for voting operations, technology, and election resources between the city of Harmony and Fillmore County was approved.
Harmony Ambulance Director Samantha Grabau said that the ambulance rates are currently significantly lower than the regional average and below Medicare rates. As it has been about three years since the rates have been increased, she asked the council to approve changing the base rate from $750 to $850 per trip and the loaded mile rate from $12 per loaded mile to $13 per loaded mile. The council approved the increases.
Lorena Reichert, the new Economic Development Coordinator from CEDA for the Harmony EDA was introduced to the council. She plans to work in Harmony five days a month and is looking forward to getting to know the community.
The annual meeting for the Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce will be on January 21 on 5:30 p.m. at Harmony Spirits. The chamber is currently working on the new Harmony guide book.
The Park Board recommended increasing the camper rates for 2025 from $20 to $30 and the tent rates from $10 to $15. The council approved the increases.
The Harmony library is currently conducting its annual review for staff members.
The Arts Board will be helping to fund the upcoming Fillmore Central choir’s performance at a Timberwolves game.
Jacob Hatch was approved as a new member of the Harmony Fire Department.
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