The Wykoff City Council held a regular meeting on May 13. All council members were in attendance (Lyle Morey, Mary Tjepkes, Mayor Al Williams, City Clerk Becky Schmidt, Mary Sackett and Richard Gleason).
Darin Sikkink, representing WHKS, updated the council on the street project. He said, “We’re working on the County 5, Gold, Fillmore, and Line Streets project.” He said when the county reviewed the plans, it was suggested that curb and gutter also be installed on Line Street, in addition to the previous plans for curb and gutter on the other streets. He said the suggestion regarding Line Street was for only the east side of the street.
Sikkink pointed out that since this would increase the project cost (and therefore the special assessments), if the council chooses to follow the county’s suggestion, a public hearing would need to be scheduled so those six property owners would have a chance to discuss their opinions.
Ron Gregg, Fillmore County Engineer, spoke to the council about the street project, saying, “We still want to move ahead this year.” He and the council discussed the various access issues that may occur this summer and fall as the project progresses. Mary Sackett voiced a concern about access to the community center during Fall Fest. There were also questions about fire department access, and access for people who have booked events at the community center. Gregg said it’s likely that the contractor could do something similar to what happened in Ostrander, when gravel “temporary paths” were put down to allow access even while streets are torn up. He also said there will be frequent meetings to discuss progress and access issues. Gregg also pointed out that regarding trees in the boulevard in areas where the street project will occur, “A lot of those will have to go.” But he said the contractor will only remove those trees that must be removed. The council voted to hold a public hearing as described above on June 10 in the council room, just prior to the regular council meeting.
Leroy Rowe addressed the council regarding water drainage on his property, which he said has become an issue due to the recent street project. “All my neighbor’s water comes down into my driveway.” He stressed that he is not looking to blame or sue anyone, but just wants to know what the city could do to help eliminate the problem. He showed pictures and described an idea that he and Darin Sikkink agreed with, to create natural drainage to the street.
A member of Wykoff’s American Legion (Ray) asked the council about the new $25 fee to use the community center. He said the Legion has never before been asked to pay a fee for holding their meetings there, and he feels it is “a low blow.” Becky Schmidt explained that the city has to pay someone to come in and clean after the community center is used, and that’s the main reason for the fee. After discussion, the council also offered that the Legion could hold their meetings in the council room, for free, since this incurs no additional cost for the city (and since the Legion meetings are generally small enough to easily fit in that room).
Wade Baker gave an update on the fire department, including that there are three firefighter positions to be filled. He also discussed naming someone as the “weather watch” person on the crew. The council agreed to designate Casey Bates for this.
Rich Gleason suggested setting a special meeting to discuss a personnel issue. It was scheduled as an open meeting, on May 23 at 7 p.m. If necessary, the meeting may be changed to a closed meeting (if performance issues are to be discussed). Another issue that will be discussed at that time is the two bids regarding a new door lock on the community center. The council requested to have all applicable warranty information available, so the bids can be fairly compared.
The meeting adjourned at the council room at 9 p.m., with council members then going to tour the vacant school building, in light of a proposal to move the city offices into that building. There will be a special meeting on Thursday, May 23 at 7 p.m., and the council’s next regular meeting will be Monday, June 10 at 7 p.m.
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