During the Kingsland School Board meeting July 16, the board heard from representatives of Wykoff By Design, a group interested in finding ways for the vacant school building to be put to use. Wykoff city council member Richard Gleason and Susan Nash attended, with Gleason speaking on behalf of Wykoff By Design, saying, “We would like to have the three months to try to get funding.” He also asked the board to consider holding off on the auction, since the furniture and other equipment inside the school could possibly be used by whatever venture may be found. All board members were present for the meeting (Doug Plaehn, Leah Stier, Jackie Horsman, Tiffany Mundfrom, Heather Betts, Ann Oeltjen and Superintendent James Hecimovich).
Board members discussed the request from Wykoff By Design, as well as plans to auction the buildings and contents in August. Hecimovich stated that because of the need to complete hazardous material abatement, “The closing deal (if any property is sold at the auction) would be after abatement. Right now, they’re predicting up to 20 weeks to abate that building.” Board members discussed concern that if Kingsland still owns the Wykoff school building this winter, then Kingsland would need to heat the building. The board chose to proceed with the auction in August as planned.
The board approved the auction contract, which stipulates the auctioneer gets a 15% fee for any equipment sold, and a 3% fee for any real property, such as the bus garage and main school building, if they are sold. Hecimovich said Kingsland will be allowed to set up concessions on the day of the auction (August 11), if any group wishes to do so.
The board voted to donate the baseball field and playground to the city of Wykoff. Hecimovich pointed out that the land will need to be surveyed, and the preliminary thought is that Wykoff should foot that cost, since the land is to be donated to Wykoff. Hecimovich will meet with representatives of the city to finalize these plans.
John Schulz addressed the board to bid an emotional farewell after his service to Kingsland. He said, “I’ll be resigning this year. I wanted to thank the staff and administration. I have a lot of fond memories…I feel very grateful.” The board thanked him, and Superintendent Hecimovich said, “The door is always open.”
The board approved Miscellaneous Fees for 2018-2019, with no change in prices from the previous year, for copies, faxes and returned checks. The board approved the Longterm Facility Maintenance Indoor Air Quality (LTFM IAQ) and 10-year plans as submitted. The board also approved issuing general obligation bonds to finance projects, as well as the resolution relating to property tax abatement for parking lot projects.
The board discussed selecting a member to serve on the SMEC (Southern Minnesota Education Consortium) Board. After discussion, it was agreed to appoint the board chair to fill this function. Jackie Horsman agreed to go in Doug Plaehn’s stead, since he will be unavailable for the next SMEC meeting.
Hailee Warren, a recent national essay contest winner from Kingsland, read aloud her winning essay. Hecimovich beamed, “It was an honor to have Hailee here, and her family.” The next board meeting will be a “work session” on Monday, August 6 at 6 p.m. in the elementary conference room. The next regular board meeting will be Monday, August 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room. It was pointed out that the first meeting in September (a work session) will need to be changed due to Labor Day, so the board selected Tuesday, September 4. As always, the public is welcome.
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