On June 8, the Wykoff City Council met in regular session. All council members were in attendance (Lyle Morey, Richard Gleason, Mayor Al Williams, Mary Tjepkes and Mary Sackett. City Clerk Becky Schmidt and Deputy Clerk Luann Hare were also in attendance.
The council discussed whether or not to open up youth softball for the summer. Rich Gleason stated his opinion, saying, “My main thing is, as long as we’re following the Governor.” The council voted to approve the program to run this summer. The city will order a port-a-potty to be placed at the grass softball field. Softball is expected to start on June 21.
Eva Barr and others from the Wykoff Commons group were on hand during the meeting. The council discussed the previously presented offer from Wykoff Commons, asking the city to consider moving the city offices into the former school building. Council members stated that although the offer is appreciated and generous, it does not make financial sense for the city at this time, because the city would need to still keep and maintain the building where the city office currently site. Therefore, the city’s costs would increase overall. Mary Sackett summarized her feelings, stating, “As much as it would be nice, it would be a hard sell.” Eva Barr said she understands the city’s position. No formal action was taken at this time.
The council heard from a developer interested in splitting a large lot near Silver Street into several smaller lots. The developer would then place mobile homes on the lots. Council members stated that all of the city’s standard rules would need to be followed, such as set-backs. The council felt that more information is needed in order for the council to assure that the request would meet all applicable rules, such as lot size and zoning. Becky Schmidt will check and report back to the council. No action was taken at this time.
Becky Schmidt brought up the possibility of the city offering utility relief for businesses that have been hard hit by the economic downturn this spring. She said if the council gives approval, Wykoff businesses could apply for $500 in relief, which would be applied to the business’s utility billing. The funds used would be from the city’s Economic Development fund. The council voted unanimously to approve this program.
Schmidt informed the council of a communication received from the county, regarding the ongoing County 5 project in Wykoff, and specifically the replacement of trees that have been removed during the project. She stated, “We went ahead and contacted WHKS, and they forwarded our email to the Fillmore County Highway Department.” She then read from a statement the city received from the county, stating in part, “Fillmore County is denying all requests to plant trees within the boulevard… planting trees within the boulevard is problematic in the maintenance of the roadway. Any trees planted behind the sidewalk shall be a distance of 10 feet to avoid future heaving of the sidewalk.”
Gleason stated surprise at this position, stating, “They can’t make that call.” Mary Sackett said the county had previously stated that all trees removed during the project would be replaced. Schmidt said she will do some additional research to see if the county’s position is something the city must follow, or if it is just a recommendation.
Wykoff’s annual Fall Fest was discussed. There has been some thought that the event should be canceled, but Mayor Williams said Governor Walz is starting to relax some of the guidelines. Mary Sackett said that if the city chooses to have Fall Fest, some pre-planning is needed, so a decision is needed sooner, rather than later. Wade Baker said the band is already “locked in” and he pointed out that many vendors are “just sitting at home” due to the many events already canceled, so he feels Wykoff could definitely find vendors, if the city chooses to move forward with Fall Fest planning. The council tabled to issue until the regular meeting in July. The council’s next regular meeting will be Monday, July 13, at 7 p.m. The public, as always, is welcomed.
Wykoffian says
Thank you for finally dumping the field at St John’s. It was a poor use of recreational money for the kids and a one sided deal. Also thank you for saying NO to moving city office. Good call. Tax payers already own a place for the office so why move it. Agree with good decision. Now, if fall fest happens PLEASE use local vendors/support local. I have not seen local vendors for several years except for once when Westphal family had a food truck. There are many local artisans that can do body art, henna tattoo, German braiding/hair, have goods/art to sell. Check out lanesboro park markets. Over 100 LOCAL artisans and wykoff has 1, at best. The friend of a friend from some other state getting these opportunities is not right. Keep it local please. Thank you
Briahne NIEMEYER says
Any further discussion on South Street( my area) needs major attention. The street is severely damaged. Has never had work done to it. Even pebble rocking until funds are available would be a great start. May we have a council meeting in the above manner soon? 😊
Briahne NIEMEYER says
Any further discussion on South Street( my area) needs major attention. The street is severely damaged. Has bever had work done to it. Even pebble rocking until funds are available would be a great start. May we have a council meeting in the above manner soon? 😊