LARP 47, La Crescent 27 (S-Eagles won nine of first ten matches to lead 47-3. Gable Speltz (120), Sam Schwendinger (126), Reece Riebel (138), and Jacob Meyer (160) had pins. Ross Herber (106 > 13-3) and Dominic Jenkins (145 > 11-2) won MDs. Riley Koop (152 > 5-2) won a decision. Kolten Riser (132) won by injury default. Lancers forfeited a weight. LARP is 1-0)
GMLOS 22, Chatfield 48 (Gophers trailed 22-12 after 145. They won the final seven weights. Tate Karver (120), Jacob Stephas (160), Davontae Goldsmith (182), Carter Fishbaugher (195) won by fall. S. Goetzinger (113 > 4-2), Chase Ketterhagen (138 > 7-6), J. Mandt (170 > 8-3), and A.J. Karver (285 > 5-3) won decisions. GMLOS forfeited two weights)
Winona Invite (LARP (90) finished third behind big-time wrestling powers #1 in AAA Apple Valley (192) and #1 in AA Kasson-Mantorville (186). S-Eagles had four second place finishers in R. Herber (106 > won 9-0 MD, won 9-4 D, lost 7-2 D), Carter Jonsgaard (113 > won 8-6 D, won by fall, lost by fall), R. Koop (152 > won 16-1 TF, lost by fall), and Sam Puetz (170 > won by fall, lost by fall). G. Speltz (120 > won 4-2 D in SV-1, lost by fall, won by fall, won 5-0 D) and D. Jenkins (145 > won 3-2 D, lost by fall, won by fall, won by fall) took third, each going a team best 3-1 on the day)
Rochester Invite > Chatfield 60, Century 21 (S. Goetzinger (120), C. Ketterhagen (138), Campbell Berge (145), Nathan Goldsmith (152), D. Goldsmith (170), and A.J. Karver (285) won by pin. Gophers won four forfeits.); Chatfield 53, PI 24 (T. Karver (126) and N. Goldsmith (152) won by fall. Goetzinger (120 > 8-0) and Mandt (170 > 10-2) won MDs. D. Goldsmith (182 > 5-3) won by decision. Gophers won five forfeits.); Chatfield 27, Mayo 45 (Spartans won first four matches to lead 16-0. They won the last three matches to brake at 27-27 tie after 182. Cael Bartels (132), Berge (145), N. Goldsmith (152), and Mandt (160) won by fall. D. Goldsmith (6-4) won by decision); Chatfield 66, JM 11
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