LARP 45, FCLMC 21 (LARP took five weights by forfeit (120/138/160/170/182), FCLMC one (285). Dominic Jenkins (145) and Carter Weidemann (220) won by pin for LARP, C. Jonsgaard (126 > 8-3) by decision. Bradon Knutson (113) and Carter Hovland (145) had pins for FCLMC, Caden Anderson (132 > 6-5) a decision win); LARP 36, GMLOS 38 (R. Herber (120), C. Jonsgaard (126), and Jacob Meyer (160) won by pin, Gable Speltz (132 > 8-6 via TB-1) and D. Jenkins (145 > 6-3) by decision. LARP won two forfeits (182/220) and lost four (106/113/195/285). S-Eagles: 3-1, 6-3); GMLOS 54, FCLMC 9 (FCLMC forfeited five (120/145/160/170/182), GMLOS one (220). Cale Anderson (126 > 5-1) won by decision. Wolves: 0-4, 0-8)
Crestwood “Flanagan” Tourney (FCLMC took 7th of 11. B. Knutson (113) took first (W pin, W pin, W 4-0 D). Cale Anderson (126 > went 2-2) and Michael Barrett (285 > went 2-2) each took fourth)
Farmington “Koda” Duals > Chatfield 55, USC 23 (Gophers received five forfeits (113/126/132/170/220). Cody Guenther (138), Jacob Stephas (160), and Grady Schott (182) won by pin, N. Goldsmith (152 > 12-1) by MD, and Alex Arch (120) by decision); Chatfield 19, Class AAA Lean and Mean Coon Rapids 53 (Chatfield took 220 by forfeit, Coon Rapids 285. G. Schott (182) won by pin, C. Bartels (113 > 11-3) by MD, and N. Goldsmith (152 > 4-2) by decision); Chatfield 36, St. Francis 37 (Chatfield led 27-0 after four early forfeit wins (113/120/126/132). The Gophers won just two more weights. St. Francis overcame a 36-12 deficit after 160. They won the final five matches. A forfeit win at 285 was the dual clincher. J. Stephas (160) won by fall, Sulley Ferguson (106 > 13-6) and N. Goldsmith (152 > 3-1) by decision. Gophers: 1-0, 2-2)
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