PEM Quad > A Lean and Mean Chatfield 30, AA Lean and Mean PEM 42 (Gophers led 21-6 and 30-18 but lost last four weights; 182, 195, & 220 by fall, 285 by FF. C. Bartels (113), S. Goetzinger (120), and Tate Karver (132) had pins. Sulley Ferguson (106 > 6-1), and Davontae Goldsmith (170 > 6-3) won Ds. Gophers took 160 by FF); Chatfield 24, #9 in Class A Goodhue 49 (Wildcats led 19-18 after 152, but took five of the final six weights; 160, 170, 182, & 220 by pin, 285 by FF. C. Bartels (113), S. Goetzinger (126), Nathan Goldsmith (152), and Grady Schott (195) had pins); Chatfield 39, D-E 30 (Close match saw ties at 9-9, 15-15, and 18-18 (after 152). Chatfield took 152, 160, 170, and 182 to lead 33-18. A.J. Karver’s pin (220) sealed the match. Cody Guenther (138), D. Goldsmith (170), and G. Schott (182) also had pins. S. Goetzinger (126 > 6-2), N. Goldsmith (152 > 12-8), and Jacob Stephas (160 > 6-3) won by D. Gophers took 113 by FF. Gophers: 4-1 (TRC), 6-6 (overall))
LARP 19, Medford 34 (Teams double FF’ed 195, 220, & 285. LARP FF’ed 182. Save for 6-0, Tigers led the entire way, taking control after 152 (25-12 lead). Tyler Kreidermacher (106) and Gable Speltz (132) had pins, Jacob Meyer (160 > 14-4) won by MD, E. Sense (170 > 6-1) by D); LARP 38, Westfield 21 (S-Eagles won 132, 138, 152, & 160 by FF, lost 195 by FF, with double FFs at 126, 220, & 285. C. Jonsgaard (120) had a pin, J. Meyer (170 > 11-1) and E. Sense (14-4) MDs)
FCLMC 24, La Crescent 47 (Wolves won 126, 132, 138, & 285 by FF, FF’ed 160, 170, & 182 with double FFs at 106 & 195); FCLMC 10, Lake City 59 (Wolves FF’ed 106, 160, 170, & 182, won 285 by FF with a double FF at 195. Caden Anderson (132) won a 12-2 MD. Wolves: 0-7 (vs TRC), 0-12 (overall))
Century Tourney (FCLMC took 10th of 12 with six guys. Cad. Anderson (132) took second (W Pin, W 11-1 MD, L 9-2 D). Michael Barrett (220) took fourth (W Pin, L Pin, W Pin, L Pin). Braden Knutson (106 > 3-2), Orion Sass (126 > 3-2), and Stefan Nikoloski (285 > 2-2) each took fifth)
Lake City Invite (Of 11 teams, Chatfield (139) took third behind Northfield (217.5) and D-E (156.5). A.J. Karver (220) was Chatfield’s sole champion (W Pin, W Pin, W 4-3 D). S. Goetzinger (#4 at 126 in Class A) took second (W Pin, W Pin, L 15-6 MD to Mayo’s #10 in AAA Marshall Peters). Chase Ketterhagen (145 > L 5-2 D, W Pin, W Pin, W 5-0 D, W 14-2 MD) and D. Goldsmith (170 > W 3-1 D, L 12-2 MD, W Pin, W 2-1 D) took third. N. Goldsmith (152 > 2-2), Campbell Berge (160 > 1-2), and G. Schott (182 > 2-2) took fourth. The 113-pound weight class featured Medford’s #1 in Class A Charley Elwood, Winona’s #2 in Class AAA Ryan Henningson (champion), Andover’s #4 in Class AAA John Babineau, and Northfield’s #5 in Class AAA Jake Messner)
K-M “Swalla” Duals > LARP 9, Mankato West 59 (LARP FF’ed 113, 182, 220, & 285, won 120 by FF. E. Sense (170 > 8-1) won by D); LARP 10, Class AA #6 Waconia 63 (LARP FF’ed 113, 182, 195, & 285. Dominic Jenkins (145) won by pin, G. Speltz (126 > 11-1) by MD); LARP 12, Class AAA #10 Forest Lake 54 (LARP FF’ed 113, 195, & 285 with a double FF at 182. J. Meyer (160) and E. Sense (170) won by pin); LARP 30, Blue Earth Area 47 (LARP FF’ed 113, 182, & 285 with a double FF at 195. Screaming Eagles led 30-29 after 170, but lost three six-pointers thereafter. T. Kreidermacher (106), C. Jonsgaard (120), Caleb Mueller (132), and E. Sense (170) won by pin, D. Jenkins (145 > 12-2) and J. Meyer (160 > 12-4) by MD, and G. Speltz (126 > 6-4 in OT) by D. LARP: 3-3 (vs TRC), 7-13 (overall))
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