Jane Lewis and Tanya Cook, with the Stand Still Parade Committee, attended the December 10, 2018, Whalan Council meeting in Whalan, Minn., to ask for council approval to add some very exciting new events to next year’s Stand Still Parade, which will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2019.
As 2019 marks the 25th Anniversary of the Stand Still Parade, the committee would like to make some additions to the schedule of events, hoping to make the celebration last into the evening. Suggested events discussed include a street dance, a kids pedal tractor pull, additional games for children, “Whalan’s Got Talent” and possibly fireworks. Proceeds would go to the new city hall roof fund. The Stand Still Parade Committee was approved to move forward with these additional events.
With more activities comes more work. The Stand Still Parade Committee would encourage all area residents to get involved and volunteer some of their time to the Stand Still Parade.
Present at the meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin and Council members Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson, Owen Lewis, Johnny Halvorson, City Clerk Lolly Melander and several visitors.
Additions were made to the agenda under New Business, including Stand Still Parade discussion, League of Minnesota Cities renewal, gazebo lamps and the January 2019 council meeting.
Melander read the Minutes, Treasurer’s Report, and Bills Due aloud. One addition to the bills due was a $45.00 payment to Lanny Landsverk for city maintenance work.
Visitor comments
Wes Harding, with the Root River Trail Towns Committee, reported to the council that the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will be providing funding for the placement of a portable toilet on the trail again in 2019. The toilet will be placed approximately May 1 and will be removed in mid-October.
Resident Melanie Murphy made a clarification on a statement she made at the November 12, 2018, council meeting. In the Whalan City Council article published in the Fillmore County Journal on November 19, 2018, Murphy was quoted as saying, “We’ve never denied taking over city property — everybody has something or does something with the city property to maintain, to keep it up,” which Murphy wanted to clarify to the council.
Murphy referred to the article, saying, “It partially quoted me as saying that we’ve never denied taking over city property,” noted Murphy. “I don’t recall making such a statement but if I did — which I was quoted as saying — I would like to make it clear that I misspoke that part. I would like to make it clear that I misspoke that and did not mean it, it was my intent to simply and only convey that we, like many other people in town, have maintained the city property that is adjacent to our own, which is substantiated by the remainder of the quote, so I didn’t want to make it sound like we were taking it over — I just wanted to make sure that people understood that everybody helps take care of it so I wanted to clarify that,” stated Murphy.
Old Business
Council members reviewed the proposed 2019 final budget for approval. Motion by Halvorson, second by Lewis, to approve the 2019 final budget as presented. Motion carried.
An update was given regarding electric repair charges on the Cindy Cresswell property due to storm damage. The City of Whalan submitted a claim with their insurance but were told it was an act of nature which is not covered. The adjuster stated the city holds no legal liability. The property owner has also submitted a claim with their insurance company but have not yet received a answer as to whether the charges will be covered. The matter was tabled at this time.
An update was given regarding the Murphy – City Power Line right-of-way issue. Andy Luttchens with Tri-State Surveying was contacted for an estimate on surveying the property in question.
Tri-State Surveying gave an estimate of a maximum of $2,310 for surveying. However, due to weather conditions and ground condition, the surveying will need to be postponed until March or April when stakes can be put in the ground. The matter was tabled until the February 2019 meeting.
New business
The agreement between the City of Whalan and the League of Minnesota Cities was up for renewal. Motion by Lewis, second by Berekvam, to renew insurance coverage with the League of Minnesota Cities. Motion carried.
The lamps on the gazebo are not working correctly. One does not work and one stays on continuously. Landsverk and Randy Berekvam will look at the lamps to repair them.
The Stand Still Parade Committee has agreed to purchase 22 flags, poles and brackets to be put up in the city next spring. The council expressed their gratitude to the Stand Still Parade Committee.
Due to scheduling conflicts, the January Whalan Council meeting will be changed to January 7, 2019, at 5 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend.

Photo by Barb Jeffers
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