The Whalan City Council welcomed Teresa Grossell as the new Whalan city clerk/treasurer at the September 11 city council meeting.
After the council interviewed four people for the position, Grossell was hired.
Present at the regularly scheduled meeting were Mayor David Hallum and council members Kim Berekvam, Sheila Higbe, Owen Lewis and Thore E. Johnson, along with Grossell.
Two items were added to the agenda. Additions included 1) Lanesboro Area Community Foundation (LACF) grant application and 2) Thank you.The agenda was approved with these additions.
The council approved Minutes of the regularly scheduled August 14 city council meeting, as well as Minutes of the special meeting on August 25.
There were no comments from visitors at this meeting.
New Business
Resolution 2023-10, Proposed Tax Levy was approved by the council.
Discussion of LACF grant application was tabled until spring 2024.
A thank you card will be sent to the Aroma Pie Shoppe in appreciation of an industrial freezer that was donated for the concession stand at the ball field.
With little to discuss this night, the short meeting was adjourned early.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting will be held on Monday, October 9 at the Whalan Town Hall, with a special meeting on short-term rentals at 5 pm. Once that meeting is closed, the regular meeting will begin.
For more information visit the City of Whalan website at
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