The city of Whalan will soon be hosting its Good ‘Ol Days Celebration once again and everyone is invited to come and visit and meet friends and neighbors of Whalan past and present. This good news was announced at the Whalan City Council meeting which was held on July 8 at the Whalan Town Hall.
Present at the regularly scheduled council meeting were Mayor David Hallum, along with council members Owen Lewis, Thore E. Johnson, Sheila Higbe and Kim Berekvam. City Clerk/Treasurer Teresa Grossell was also in attendance. There were no absences.
The agenda was approved, with the addition of Whalan Good ‘Ol Days Celebration under New Business.
The treasurer’s report and the minutes of the regular meeting held June 10 and of the special meeting held on June 10 were all approved.
New Business
• City Clerk Grossell will be attending the League of Minnesota Cities “New City Clerk’s Academy” on September 5-6 in St. Paul, Minn. Cost of the training is $250 and cost of travel, etc. is $300.
• Whalan will be hosting its Good ‘Ol Days Celebration on Saturday, August 3, starting at 11:30 a.m. at the Whalan Town Hall. Lunch will be at noon; bring a dish to pass. For more information, visit the city of Whalan’s website at
• Whalan Good ‘Ol Days will have rent-free use of the Town Hall for the celebration.
Continued Business
• After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the future of the municipal electric infrastructure system will be determined by putting the issue on the General Election ballot. The council has had a special meeting on the subject, which was not well attended. The city plans to have information available to the public well in advance so they are able to make an informed decision.
• There has been no activity with the remaining funds from the Lanesboro Area Community Foundation grant in the last 30 days, therefore, the balance remains the same.
• The Music in the Bluffs upcoming events were discussed. The last event proved very popular and the city is looking forward to the same interest in the next two events. Lost Faculties will play Saturday, July 20 and Rutabaga Brothers will play Saturday, August 17.
• An estimate from Bruening Rock Products for gravel placement on Deep River Road was approved. The estimated cost will be between $1,500-2,000.
• Discussion of gas meter usage and measurement was deferred as City Maintenance worker Randy Berekvam was not in attendance.
• Clerk/Treasurer Grossell gave her updates to the council. The family planning to place a memorial bench by the gazebo requested a photograph of the area where the bench will be placed. The photo will be provided to their contractor.
• Grossell reported that there is a new electric utility account that is past due. A notice will be sent out to the account holder.
• Approved an offer by Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) for an annual update and presentation. Grossell will contact SMIF to set up a date for the presentation.
• Grossell reported that the city of Whalan suffered no damage that incurred additional costs during the recent countywide flooding.
• Grossell gave an update on the election timeline. Filing dates for two city council seats and the mayoral seat will be open from July 30 through August 13 by 5 p.m.
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