The Whalan City Council held its scheduled public hearing on October 9, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. to discuss with city residents whether to replace streetlight bulbs new with LED bulbs.
All council members were present for the public hearing, including Mayor Marlys Tuftin, Owen Lewis, Everett Johnson, Wyatt Berekvam, and Kim Berekvam. City Clerk Lolly Melander arrived before the adjournment of the public hearing.
Total savings of replacing all the bulbs at once versus over a longer amount of time is approximately $135 per light with approximately 26 lights to be replaced. The council heard many positive comments from several residents who attended the meeting to go forward with replacing all bulbs with new LED bulbs.
Following the public hearing the regularly scheduled monthly meeting for October began at 5 p.m. at which time the council was able to make a decision about replacing the streetlights to LED bulbs. Motion by Lewis, second by Wyatt Berekvam, to replace all street lights with LED bulbs as soon as possible. Motion carried. The council will continue to look into grant money for the project.
Minutes from the September 11, 2017, city council meeting were read aloud by City Clerk Lolly Melander. With no additions or corrections there was a motion by Johnson, second by Kim Berekvam, to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report & Bills Due were read by Melander with two additions: Lanny Landsverk in the amount of $390 and Haakenson Electric in the amount of $1651.74.
Motion by Wyatt Berekvam, second by Lewis, to accept the Treasurer’s Report & Bills Due as read with the two additions included. Motion carried.
Visitor’s comments
A resident in attendance brought a safety concern to the attention of the city council as he states there are trees by the city shop which are overgrown and blocking drivers’ vision. The council will look at the trees and take care of the matter if deemed necessary.
Old Business
An update on the town hall door was given by Mayor Tuftin. The new main entry door has been installed. The carpenter is waiting for the rest of the hardware to come in to finish the project.
Melander updated the council on the previous charge from Ancom Tech Center for service on the emergency siren. Melander contacted Ancom Tech Center and after explaining the situation, Ancom Tech Center credited the charge of $195.50 back to the city.
Lewis updated the council on road repair. All road work for the year is complete.
New Business
Mayor Tuftin reported that there will be two open seats on the Zoning Board in January. The Zoning Board meets quarterly. Anyone interested in serving on the Zoning Board can contact Tuftin.
Motion by Johnson, second by Lewis, to send out absentee ballots for the general election, as it is a cost saving measure and there was a 99% response of the absentee ballots in the past.
With the rain the days prior to the meeting, Tuftin reported that water was coming off the roof and running down the side of the city hall building as well as onto the outside speakers. The council will have Randy Berekvam look at the problem and give his recommendation.
Motion by Johnson, second by Lewis, to adjourn. Motion carried.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan city council meeting will be held on Monday, November 13, 2017, at 5 p.m. at the city hall.
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