During the July Whalan City Council meeting, Jane Lewis, representing the Whalan Stand Still Parade Committee, announced a donation to the City of Whalan in the amount of $1,763. Each year the Stand Still Parade Committee donates a portion of the proceeds from the Stand Still Parade to the city. The council members shared their appreciation to the committee.
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting was held on July 9 in the city hall. All city council members were present, including Mayor Marlys Tuftin, Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson, Owen Lewis, Johnny Halvorson and City Clerk Lolly Melander.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance the meeting was called to order by Mayor Tuftin.
Minutes from the June 11, 2018, meeting were read aloud by Melander. With no additions or corrections, minutes were approved as read.
Melander read the Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due. No additions or corrections were requested; they were accepted as read.
Visitor comments
Lanny Landsverk with city maintenance reported there are getting to be a lot of weeds around the city hall building that need to be taken care of. Weed killer will be purchased to handle the problem.
Old Business
The council reviewed their work list of tasks to be done around town. Many tasks have been completed.
The council is anticipating having pot holes in town repaired as soon as possible. They are working with the county to coordinate having the work done at a time when the county will also be doing road work in the area to save on costs. Council members will be requesting estimates to have the work done.
Blade and rock work in alleys is complete throughout town for the year.
Approval was given to hire Bluff Country Brine to perform 2,048 ft. of dust control.
Norby Tree Service will be performing tree trimming within city limits to remove any branches close to power lines.
The city council is looking for volunteers who would be willing to donate their time with yearly spring cleaning around town. This would include tasks such as wiping down tables and benches, staining the gazebo, etc. Contact any council member if interested.
Mayor Tuftin requested the council keep and list of all city equipment. The inventory list would provide information on the age of the equipment which would help the city budget for future maintenance, repair, upgrade or replacement.
New Business
The council received a request from Tim Nelson for a building permit on the Canfield property. The request was to build a new building to replace an old one that is being torn down. The size of the building is scheduled to be either 16’x24’ or 20’x24’. This was approved with the restriction that the height of the building can be no more than 18 feet per city ordinance.
The council approved a request from Owen and Jane Lewis to built an 18’ x 10’ deck on their property.
The next regularly scheduled monthly Whalan City Council meeting will be held on August 13, at 5 p.m. at the Whalan City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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