The Whalan City Council met on September 12, 2016 with all council members present including City Clerk Lolly Melander. Several visitors also attended the meeting.
The Whalan church has given the city a check in the amount of $315.23 from the softball tournament. Melander thanked the church for their donation.
The minutes from the August 8, 2016 meeting were read by Melander. Motion by Chiglo, second by Johnson, to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Melander read the Treasurer’s Report and listed bills due. A bill was received by Tri-County Electric for $5,684.17 for replacements of four poles. A second bill was received from Tri-County Electric, in the amount of $3,242.97, on July 16, 2016 for a temporary overnight repair and next day replacement of a pole. Questions were raised as to why the amount was so high for the repair/replacement on July 13. Motion by Smith, second by Halvorson, to approve the Treasurer’s Report and bills for payment with the specification that Melander check on why the bill from Tri-County Electric is so high.
Visitor’s comments
Char Johnson requested signs be placed at the entrances of the gazebo stating no bikes are allowed in gazebo. Motion by Halvorson, second by Johnson, to place signs in the gazebo entrances. Motion carried.
Old Business
Craig Bloomer of the DNR stated that signs will be placed along the trail to show where restrooms are located.
A sensor connection on the emergency siren went bad and has been repaired. The City of Whalan was not charged a fee for the repair.
New Business
Approved building permit for Butch Culbertson for a front porch. Motion by Johnson, second by Chiglo, to approve the permit. Motion carried.
Approved the 2017 Projected Tax Levy Budget which includes a 6% increase. This percentage may be lowered when the final numbers come in the month December. Motion by Johnson, second by Halvorson, to approve the 2017 Projected Tax Levy Budget. Motion carried.
The City of Whalan was offered $20,000 for the purchase of the ballpark. The council declined the offer.
There are residents that would like to fix up the ballpark. They hope to have one or two permanent picnic grills donated. This will give the community and visitors a nice place to spend time. Motion by Johnson, second by Smith, to approve fixing up the park and placing grills in Spring 2017. Motion carried.
A third AED (automated external defibrillator) has been received through a grant. The council has yet to decide where it will be placed. Melander, who is a certified instructor, will demonstrate how to use the AED during the October council meeting.
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