After being without a city clerk for some time, and having interviewed several qualified candidates to fill the position, the City of Whalan may have found a way to solve their problem thanks to the City of Lanesboro and Michele Peterson, who has taken over the duties of the city clerk/administrator for the City of Whalan. Peterson began working with the City of Whalan in early March. The Whalan City Council is awaiting approval from the Lanesboro City Council for this to take effect.
The Whalan City Council met via Zoom on April 18, 2020, for the regularly scheduled monthly meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The council had a considerable agenda after having cancelled the March 2020 meeting due to the pandemic.
Included in the online meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin, council members Tanya Cook, Everett Johnson, Kim Berekvam and Owen Lewis along with Michele Peterson, City Administrator of Lanesboro. Visitors to the virtual meeting included Diane Snyder, Ben Ruberg and Dave Ruberg.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting from February 15, 2020, were read, with no additions or corrections requested.
Minutes of the Special Meeting on February 27, 2020, and the Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due were also read, with no additions or corrections requested.
There were no visitor comments.
Continued business
The Cost of Service Study has been completed by Tom Nigon. Nigon did not recommend a base rate increase, but he did recommend a usage increase. As the report was received shortly before the council meeting, the council will review the report for discussion at next month’s council meeting.
New business
Resolution 2020-1, Authorizing Signature Authority for City Accounts was approved. This allows the city clerk to write and sign checks (with a second signature) and allows access to banking information for the City of Whalan.
The council also approved Resolution 2020-2, Establishing Mileage Reimbursement.
The proposed contract with the City of Lanesboro for services for city clerk and administrative office space was discussed. The rate would be $725 a month for the remainder of 2020. The contract will be reviewed at the end of 2020.
After a discussion on whether or not to have a credit card for city use, the matter was tabled until the May council meeting.
After input from the state due to the COVID-19 pandemic, late fees willl be forgiven and the Cold Weather Rule is extended until further notice.
Due to social distancing requirements, the city council will not be doing city rounds as a group. Individual council members will walk around town to make sure there are no violations to city ordinances.
The monthly city council meeting schedule is changed to the second Monday of each month at 5 p.m. The May 2020 meeting will be held via Zoom.
The council approve the DNR Trail Maintenance agreement.
A reminder to residents that properties need to be maintained. If the city has to mow, the property owner will be responsible for the charge, which is $75 for the first hour and $25 every half hour after that.
The next Whalan City Council meeting will be held via Zoom on May 11, 2020, at 5 p.m. Any residents who would like to join the Zoom meeting can contact Peterson at the Lanesboro City Hall at 507-467-3722 for further information.
Whalan looks at solution to city clerk position

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