Photo by Barb Jeffers
With a full agenda ahead of them, the Whalan City Council began their council meeting on May 10, 2021, and began tackling the agenda item by item.
All council members were present for the regularly scheduled city council meeting including Mayor Marlys Tuftin, Owen Lewis, Tanya Cook, Kim Berekvam and Thore Johnson as well as City Clerk Michele Peterson.
The agenda was approved with additions.
Minutes and the Treasurer’s Report from the April 12, 2021, regular meeting were read and approved.
Visitors comments
Fillmore County Engineer Ron Gregg presented the council with plans to re-do main street from the Whalan side of the bridge to the pie shoppe next year. Gregg attended the meeting to bring the council up to speed on the project.
They are in the preliminary stages of designing the project right now. He wanted to discuss a couple things with the council, including the policy that the county put together as far as participating in a municipality. There will also be a cooperative agreement to get started and a facts finding sheet for things such as underground utilities.
Gregg also wanted to discuss sidewalks. He stated the municipalities give the county direction as far as where the sidewalk goes as they know the city better than anyone else. There is a cost of 50% to the city for participation in the sidewalk plan.
Gregg presented a map of the planned project. “The intent is to take the old surface off and then put in new curb and gutter and then we have some catch basins that we have to address as well,” stated Gregg.
The city would be responsible for all the underground work and the county will take care of what is above ground. There are funds in state aid for street lights if they not ornamental.
Gregg will attend another council meeting once the project design is further along and will stay in contact with city officials for their input.
Continued business
Cook reported on the cost of brochure printing. Five thousand brochures will be printed with the cost of prining ($614.19 plus tax and shipping) turned into the Lanesboro chamber for reimbursement.
Gravel and rock will be spread on the part of Deep River Road and Everyday Road that is the city’s responsibility, as well as a few other smaller areas in town that need it.
Discussion on the DNR Agreement was tabled until the June 2021 council meeting.
The council approved Title 9, Chapters 91 and 92 of the Ordinance Code Book with the removal of the “no alcohol allowed at the ballpark” restriction.
The council approved reimbursement to Johnson for the purchase of pesticide spray in the amount of $109.53.
The Lodging Tax Committee met for the first time and decided that they would like to make some changes to the lodging tax contract with the Lanesboro Chamber of Commerce. Notice will be given to the Lanesboro chamber that the City of Whalan would like to review the contract and make some changes.
New business
The city council completed their walking tour of Whalan on Saturday, April 24. The new banners need to be placed on the light poles. City Maintenance worker Randy Berekvam will take care of hanging the banners. A few other items were noticed that will be addressed, such as broken picnic tables, minor roof repair to the city hall roof and cleaning of storm sewers.
A tree evaluation will be done by Dave Norby and an estimate presented for any work that needs to be done. The city planned on having trees evaluated every three years and 2021 is the third year since it has been done.
A porta potty will be placed at the ballpark for the months of June, July and August 2021.
The Electric Rates Review was tabled until the June 2021 council meeting.
The council received a Vacation Consideration Request from Sheila and Leah Higbe for a portion of Bench Street. After a long discussion and realizing there are many details to consider, a motion was made by Cook, seconded by Berekvam to consider the vacation request. The motion failed. The council will consult the city attorney and receive additional information before they consider the vacation request again.
The discussion on the Solid Fuel-Fired Heating Device Ordinance that has been drafted by the Zoning Committee was tabled until the June 2021 council meeting.
Councilmembers accepted the 2020 Audit as presented.
Review of Title 7 of the Ordinance Code Book was tabled until the June 2021 council meeting.
A temporary liquor license was approved for the Whalan Lutheran Church for a softball tournament July 2, 3 and 4, 2021.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting will be held on Monday, June 14, at 5 p.m. at the Whalan City Hall and will also be available via Zoom. For further information visit the City of Whalan website at www.cityofwhalan.weebly.com or call the Whalan City Office at (507) 467-2212.
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