The Whalan City Council received an expungement request from a former city employee who pleaded guilty to embezzlement of public funds and theft by swindle in 2022.
Present at the regularly scheduled council meeting was Mayor David Hallum, along with council members Owen Lewis, Kim Berekvam, Thore E. Johnson and Sheila Higbe. City Clerk/Treasurer Theresa Grossell attended via Zoom.
The agenda was approved with the addition of DNR Agreements added under New Business.
Minutes of the regular meeting held March 11 and the Treasurer’s Report were approved.
New Business
Grossell reported that the city of Whalan’s application for MnDOT’s competitive 2023 Local Road Improvement (LRIP) was denied. There were no reasons given for the application not being approved.
Hallum and Grossell met with Brian Krambeer, President/CEO of MiEnergy to discuss the Municipal Electric System, rebates available and other subjects. In regards to the Municipal Electric System, it is up to the city of Whalan what they would like to do. MiEnergy is supportive of whatever decision is made. Grossell will contact MiEnergy to inquire whether a representative from MiEnergy can meet with the council before the regularly scheduled May 13 council meeting to give council members and residents the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.
An Expungement Request from a former city employee was discussed. The city council was asked to respond by May 1 if they did not agree with the expungement. Ultimately the decision will be made by the judge. After discussion, the decision to not respond was approved.
Grossell presented the 2023 financial statement from Smith & Schafer. The council accepted the Financial Statement.
Council members will be conducting the annual walking tour of Whalan to see if there are any noticeable improvements needed. The tour will take place on Thursday, April 18 at 10 a.m. with council members beginning at the town hall. Rain date for the walking tour is Thursday, April 25 at 10 a.m.
The proposal from MN DNR for the 2024 maintenance agreement was accepted.
Continued Business
The Lanesboro Area Community Foundation grant application was approved in the amount of $2,500. The council stated their appreciation to LACF.
City maintenance worker Randy Berekvam reported to the council on the gas meter usage and measurement. Berekvam has seen no change in the level in the tank. The council tabled having the tank repaired as it seems to not have a leak.
Grossell gave an update on what she has been working on.
The Diane Knight Project received $3750 from the Carl & Verna Schmidt Foundation.
The location of the Music in the Bluffs series will be the gazebo.
Just as an update, Grossell informed the council that NuWay Co-op has been purchased by CHS.
AcenTek’s annual meeting will take place Tuesday, April 23 via Zoom.
Notice was received from MiEnergy that there are two accounts 60-plus days overdue. Grossell will send a letter out to the two households.
2024/25 Business License Renewals are due in May to be effective June 1. There are 12 Whalan businesses currently on the list to be renewed.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting will be held on Monday, May 13 at the Whalan Town Hall. The public is encouraged to attend. For more information visit the city of Whalan website at cityofwhalan.weebly.com, or call the Whalan City Office at (507) 467-2212.
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