As the City of Whalan continues to search for a possible solution to the inefficient and mostly absent cell phone service in Whalan a new step has now been taken. The city council has made a phone call and sent a letter to Senator Amy Klobuchar asking for assistance.
Residents continue to be concerned about the lack of cell phone reception especially as warmer weather draws near bringing larger numbers of area residents and tourists to town for recreational activities and city events.
In the case of an emergency on the bike trail or on the river it is critical that people have the ability to call for help.
The Whalan City Council met at the Whalan City Hall on Monday, February 12, 2018, for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Council members present included Mayor Marlys Tuftin, Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson, Wyatt Berekvam and City Clerk Lolly Melander. Council member Owen Lewis was absent.
Melander read the minutes from the previous month while the council members each reviewed a copy of the minutes provided by Melander. With no requested additions or corrections a motion was made by W. Berekvam to accept the minutes as read. With a second by Johnson the motion carried.
Melander read the treasurer’s report and bill’s due. No additions or corrections were requested by the council. Motion by Johnson, second by W. Berekvam, to approve the treasurer’s report and bills due. Motion carried.
Visitor’s comments
City maintenance worker, Lanny Landsverk, noted that the brush pile needs to be burned. Council member Johnson informed Landsverk he had already obtained the burn permit. The date of Wednesday, February 14 was chosen to burn the brush pile.
Wes Harding with the Root River Trail Towns Committee attended the council meeting to discuss the pancake breakfast the committee will be hosting on April 15. Funds raised from the pancake breakfast will go toward the new roof on the town hall. Volunteers are needed for this fundraising event. If interested in volunteering contact Harding.
Old Business
The council discussed the Lanesboro Lodging Tax documentation renewal. City Attorney Terry Chiglo will make the following changes to the contract:
• Term of contract: two years
• Liaisons for board meetings: Tuftin, K. Berekvam and Melander
• Enforcements will be managed by: Lanesboro (file reports with State of Minnesota)
• Monitoring of budgets/funds: semi-annual reporting to city council
Motion by W. Berekvam, second by Johnson, to accept the changes listed. Motion carried.
New Business
To represent the Whalan City Council, Johnson planned to attend Lanesboro Fire Department’s annual meeting at the Lanesboro Community Center following this council meeting.
The next regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Whalan City Council will be held on March 12, 2018.
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