Newly elected and reelected Whalan City Council officials took part in a swearing-in ceremony at the Whalan City Council meeting held on January 7, 2019, at the Whalan City Hall.
Sworn in were Mayor Marlys Tuftin and councilmembers Kim Berekvam and Johnny Halvorson, who each stood and solemnly swore to “support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and to faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of which they were elected and of the County of Fillmore,” to which they have been appointed, to best of their knowledge and ability.
Present at the January council meeting were Mayor Tuftin, City Clerk Lolly Melander and Councilmembers Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson and Johnny Halvorson. Councilmember Owen Lewis was absent.
Minutes from the December 10, 2018, city council meeting were read aloud by Melander. With no additions or corrections requested, the minutes were accepted as read.
The treasurer’s report and bills due were also approved as read.
There were no comments from any of the several visitors in attendance.
Old Business
An update was given on the unresolved Cindy Cresswell electric repair bill. The necessary repair was due to a storm in 2018. The amount of the bill is $1,609.52. A second notice was sent by the City of Whalan along with a detailed summary. The city has received no response to the second notice to date. The City of Whalan submitted a claim with their insurance but were told it was an act of nature, which is not covered. According to Tuftin, the adjuster with the City of Whalan’s insurance company stated the city holds no legal liability.
An update was given on the City Lodging Tax. The City of Whalan has entered into a two-year agreement with the City of Lanesboro, who administers the lodging tax collected, which in turn is used to promote tourism.
Berekvam, who is a liaison between the Lanesboro Chamber of Commerce and the City of Whalan, will be receiving annual report documentation from the City of Lanesboro. The Whalan City Council will review the documents to see what the benefits are to the City of Whalan and if they are receiving a fair portion of tourism advertising.
The street lamps at the gazebo are not yet working. There is a problem with the sensors. The lamps will not be fixed until early spring.
New Business
The city sander is not functioning and is being repaired. The chain, auger and shaft need to be replaced. The cost will be approximately $7,000-$10,000. The sander is 18 years old.
Several softball teams have contacted Everett Johnson about using the softball field in 2019. The city council was encouraged to hear this news and hopes additional teams will take an interest in using the softball field this year.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting will be held on February 11, 2019, at the Whalan City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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