Photo by Barb Jeffers
After hearing from residents and property owners at a constructive neighborhood meeting, the Whalan City Council approved moving forward with the street project proposed last month by Fillmore County Engineer Ron Gregg.
Present at the December 13 council meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin along with council members Kim Berekvam and Thore E. Johnson, as well as Owen Lewis who joined the meeting via Zoom. Also present were Whalan City Clerk/Treasurer Michele Peterson and City Attorney Joseph O’Koren with Manion O’Koren Law Firm.
The Agenda was approved, with additions and deletions.
Minutes and Treasurer’s Report from the November 8 meeting were approved as presented.
Visitor comments
Maintenance worker Randy Berekvam recommended that the banners on the light poles be removed for the winter to avoid damage from the elements. The council agreed. Berekvam will remove the banners.
Continued Business
The resolution for the cooperative agreement for the Fillmore County Street Project was approved. Also approved was the State Aid for Local Transportation Resolution, approving the Fillmore County Street Project for the City of Whalan.
A discussion was held on the Lodging Tax Committee and the next steps that should be taken when looking ahead at the upcoming agreement negotiations. The discussion was tabled until the January 2022 regularly scheduled council meeting.
The council approved Ordinance 30.111 – City of Whalan Fee Schedule, as well as Ordinance 5406 – Public Utilities Fee Schedule.
The City Clerk/Treasurer’s hourly rate will increase to $22.00 per hour beginning in January 1, 2022, with current pay being for 32 hours per month.
A discussion was held on the hourly pay rate for snowplowing. The discussion is tabled until the January 2022 regularly scheduled council meeting. Any pay rate increase that may be approved for snowplowing in January 2022 will be retroactive from December 1, 2021.
New Business
The council accepted Resolution 2021-14 – Approving Final Tax Levy.
A discussion was held on council appointments for the Planning and Zoning Committee. There will be an open council seat on the Planning and Zoning Committee as Berekvam’s term ends. There is also a need for any interested residents to sit on the Planning and Zoning Committee. If interested, contact a council member of call the Whalan City Clerk at (507) 467- 2212. The matter was tabled until the January 2022 council meeting.
The council approved Resolution 2021-13 – Accepting Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. The city has been notified of an updated amount of $7,098.27 that they will receive.
Garbage service for the City of Whalan was discussed. Peterson inquired about the council member’s opinions on renewing the contract with Waste Management when the current contract ends. The council will review the subject in Spring 2022.
At this point the council meeting was closed due to attorney-client privilege to discuss active and pending litigation per MN Statute 13D.05 Subd 3B. The meeting was re-opened a few minutes later and work on the agenda continued.
A reimbursement will be made to councilmember Johnson in the amount of $38.24 for the cost of a gas can and two cans of chain lubricant for the sander.
Funds will be moved from a CD that will mature on December 17, 2021, into a money market account which currently has a higher interest rate.
Clerk/Treasurer Peterson was authorized to send the Engagement Letter for the 2021 audit.
Peterson will send a thank you to Jon VanMinsel on behalf of the city for volunteering to service the city truck and change the oil.
The council extended the short-term rental moratorium until June 2022. A request for a new lodging license was denied due to the extension of the moratorium.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting will be held Monday, January 10, 2022, at 5 p.m. at the Whalan Town Hall and will also be available via Zoom. For more information visit the City of Whalan website at www.cityofwhalan.weebly.com or call the Whalan City Clerk at (507) 467-2212.
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