Photo by Barb Jeffers
The Whalan City Council was pleased to approve a business license for Whalan Auto Body, which is in the same building where Doc’s Auto Body was located.
Present at the September 13, 2021, regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin along with council members Thore E. Johnson, Owen Lewis, Sheila Higbe, and Kim Berekvam. City Clerk Michele Peterson was also present.
Three additions were made to the agenda including electric line and tree trimming, League of Minnesota Cities waiver form and the request for a business license. The council approved the agenda.
Minutes of the August 9, regularly scheduled council meeting were approved with corrections. Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Visitors comments
Wes Harding with the Taste of the Trail committee reported that Whalan’s Taste of the Trail event was very successful. Harding will be moving out of the area soon and has been looking for someone to replace him on the committee. He is meeting with one potential replacement soon. Harding will also be turning over the Whalan Taste of the Trail funds to the city. The council thanked Harding for his nine years of service on the committee.
Continued business
The discussion on the location of the two plum trees that will be donated by Johnny Halvorson was tabled until Spring 2022.
A concern about having the portable bathrooms cleaned more than once per week was tabled until spring.
The discussion on the lodging tax was tabled until the November meeting when the lodging tax committee will report to the council.
New business
The council approved to table the discussion on the Code of Ordinances, Resolution 2121-11 until the October 2021 council meeting.
Resolution 2021-10, Preliminary 2022 Budget was approved.
After speaking with the city attorney it was determined that no special election is needed for Higbe to serve out Tanya Cook’s council term. Higbe agreed to serve out the remainder of the term. The seat is filled until the next election.
There is over $300 left in Whalan’s account from the Lanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce fund. The council approved to purchase picnic tables with the remainder of the funds and also to approve up to $200 additionally if necessary to purchase the tables.
The council approved the rental of the town hall on September 24, 2021.
Peterson listed several Zoning Permits that have been issued.
A power line was going through tree branches and some tree trimming was done to free the line.
A line at a different location is going through some fairly large tree branches. The council approved to have Dave Norby look at the tree for his recommendation. Once the council gets Norby’s recommendation they will speak with the property owner in regards to a resolution.
The council approved the request for a business license for Whalan Auto Body.
The council will sign a waiver form for the League of Minnesota Cities.
The council approved purchasing a pole trimmer from Wes Harding in the amount of $85 to be used for city maintenance.
The next regularly scheduled council meeting will be held Tuesday, October 12, at the Whalan Town Hall. For further information visit the City of Whalan website at www.cityofwhalan.weebly.com or call the city office at (507) 467-2212.
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