Two Whalan residents stepped forward to show an interest in filling the recently vacated seat on the Whalan City Council during the April 9, 2018, council meeting. New council member Johnny Halvorson will be sworn in during the May 2018 meeting.
The regularly scheduled monthly council meeting began at 5 p.m. at the Whalan City Hall. Present at the meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin, council members Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson and Owen Lewis, as well as City Clerk/Treasurer Lolly Melander.
After reviewing the agenda Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as written. With a second by Berekvam the motion passed.
Melander read the minutes from the March 12, 2018, council meeting. No additions or corrections were requested. Motion by Johnson, second by Berekvam, to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Melander read the Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due. After reviewing the report there were no additions or corrections requested. Motion by Berekvam, second by Johnson, to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due as read. Motion carried.
Visitor comments
Johnny Halvorson stated that he would be interested in filling the Whalan city council seat left vacant by the resignation of Wyatt Berekvam last month. The seat needs to be filled until the term is up in December 2018.
Lanny Landsverk stated that there are alleys in town that are in desperate need of gravel. “My alley is all mud; there is no gravel left,” stated Landsverk. “I think there are some other areas too,” said Tuftin, assuring Landsverk the matter will be looked into. “We will be paying attention to those things that need to be tuned up after the winter,” noted Tuftin.
Wes Harding attended the council meeting to remind the council and area residents about the pancake breakfast hosted by the Root River Trail Towns Committee held on April 15.
After a resident reported to the council that there have been dogs running loose in town ,the council decided to send a reminder out to residents that there is an ordinance in town pertaining to pets running loose. A notice will be included in the next electric bill.
Old Business
The Zoning Board is planning to hold a workshop in April if a date can be set with all members. The Zoning Board includes Larry Johnson, Marlys Tuftin, Butch Culbertson, Ernie Johnson and Lolly Melander.
The city council will be performing their annual walking tour of the city on April 23, 2018, at 10 a.m. The council will looks for any issues that need to be addressed.
The Spring Clean-Up Drive Around is scheduled for mid-April. Melander will be riding around town with a Fillmore County Deputy looking for compliance issues. “It’s time to clean up your yards,” stated Tuftin. Any resident whose property is found to not be in compliance will receive a letter from the city.
The mowing of the Minnesota State Bike Trail was discussed. An agreement for the maintenance work which is performed by Lanny Landsverk, the groundskeeper for the city, was received. There is a question as to how much time Landsverk spends maintaining the trail. “It’s been quite some time since our compensation changed,” stated Tuftin. A meeting will be scheduled between DNR representatives, Tuftin and Landsverk to discuss the matter.
Resident Tanya Cook informed the council that she would also be interested in filling the vacant seat on the city council, along with Johnny Halvorson.
Following some consideration, Johnson nominated Johnny Halvorson to fill the seat. After a second by Lewis, the motion passed. The council thanked both Halvorson and Cook for their interest and encouraged them both to continue seeking council seats as current council members terms come up.
New Business
Tuftin spoke with a representative from Advanced Disposal who inquired as to whether the residents of Whalan are satisfied with their garbage service. Tuftin stated she has not received any complaints and feels the service has been satisfactory.
Motion by Berekvam, second by Lewis to adjourn. Motion carried.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan council meeting will be May 14, 2018, at 5 p.m. in the Whalan City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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