A special Whalan council meeting took place on April 3, 2017, which was held for the purpose of the city tour and review of completed road work. Present at the meeting were Councilmembers K. Berekvam, W. Berekvam, Johnson, Lewis and Mayor Tuftin. Guests were Robert Culbertson from zoning and John Smith. Tuftin recorded minutes at the meeting.
Contractor J.C. Nerstad attended the meeting to discuss unanswered questions or concerns about road repairs done last summer. Nerstad reported that the chip seal went well, with patching done under chip seal. Nerstad noted he was not aware that the city did not have a sweeper for getting up the excess rock and will return with a sweeper when conditions permit.
Second Avenue has the most cracks and erosions in need of repair at the trail intersection to corner of Second Avenue and New Street. Another area in need is Third Avenue and New Street. Nerstad suggested possible cement work at the outlet of the alley onto Second Avenue to promote better drainage.
Large cracks would need hot rubberized sealants. He estimated that five patches would cost approximately $2,500. He thought a good plan would be to budget for $15,000-20,000 over the next three years to address these street issues and then maintain the streets as funds become available. Nerstad felt that other than these projects, the streets of the city are in pretty good shape.
Due to rain, the meeting then moved indoors for further discussions.
The council discussed possible streetlight conversion to LED bulbs. A representative from MiEnergy will be invited to a future council meeting to provide information on cost and benefits.
Discussed having the person who reads meters for Whalan watch for low or downed tree branches, or branches near power lines while performing monthly meter readings and report any issues to the council.
Mayor Tuftin presented an application for a building permit to add a three-season porch to the back of her house and asked for consideration at this time, as her contractor was already available to begin the project.
The council reviewed the application and with a motion by Johnson, second by W. Berekvam, the permit was approved with all council members in favor. Motion carried. The fee of $9.00 was paid by Tuftin.
Due to weather, the council agreed to meet to complete the city tour on Wednesday, April 5. Motion by Johnson, second by W. Berekvam to adjourn. Motion carried.
April 5 minutes
The council reconvened on April 5, 2017, to complete the walking tour of the city. Present were K. Berekvam, W. Berekvam, Johnson, Lewis and Mayor Tuftin. Tuftin recorded minutes at the meeting. Items discussed are as follows:
• Street repair — Notes on street issues were reviewed. It was suggested that the council meet with State Representative Greg Davids to possibly request aid from the state for street repairs due to the heavy traffic last summer in Whalan because of bridge work in Lanesboro and work on Deep River Road.
Tuftin agreed to contact JC Nerstad and request a time table on when he plans to return to clean up excess rock, as they would like a Whalan council member present to oversee the project.
• Town hall — The roof leak in the museum needs to be monitored to be sure it has been repaired effectively. Also, the council needs to establish a time table for roof replacement.
• City building — Recommendations were made to dispose of non-operational office equipment, store city records in waterproof tubs and update the zoning map and/or relocate to town hall building.
• City shed — A small hole in the roof needs repair. The council will ask Melander about a hoist for the truck sander.
• Fence — It was requested by citizens that a fence which is on city property be painted.
• Tree — An evergreen tree may present a problem with an electrical line. The tree “doesn’t look real troubling at this time,” stated Tuftin, adding, “it’s things we need to keep an eye on” throughout the city.
• Ballpark — The ballpark has a downed tree needing removal. The concession stand needs electrical outlets covered for safety. Storage bin covers need replacement. The restroom is substandard and needs to be cleaned out and locked up, as it is not suitable for use by the public.
The fire pit needs to be cleaned out. The barbeque area will be addressed by Councilmembers Lewis and Tammy Hughes. The teeter totter in the playground area needs new paint on the seats.
• City park — The light fixture globe needs to be replaced. The basketball court needs painting. The gazebo needs staining, and plants and mulch are needed to beautify the park area.
• Garbage pickup — The city clerk is to advise when the city’s contract is up so the council can consider seeking bids.
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