As is the norm, the Whalan City Council had numerous items on the agenda for the August 14, 2017, regularly scheduled monthly meeting, and after the meeting the council offered and completed AED training. Training was provided by Lolly Melander, of the Lanesboro Ambulance Service.
Mayor Marlys Tuftin and council members Owen Lewis, Everett Johnson, Wyatt Berekvam and Kim Berekvam were present, as well as City Clerk Lolly Melander and City Maintenance worker Lanny Landsverk.
Minutes from the July 10, 2017, council meeting were read by Melander. No additions or corrections were requested. Motion by Lewis, second by W. Berekvam, to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Melander read the Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due. With no request of additions or corrections, K. Berekvam made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due as read. Lewis seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Visitors comments
Wes Harding, representing the Root River Trail Towns committee, handed out flyers to all in attendance, giving information about theTaste of the Trail event which will take place in Lanesboro, Whalan and Peterson on Saturday, September 9, 2017, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Harding encourages everyone to attend Taste of the Trail festivities, which will include food sampling. If interested in volunteering for the event, contact Harding at (507) 467-3044.
Harding also made note that Craig Bloomer with the MN DNR is retiring after 35 years of working with the trail. Harding stated, “He has been our DNR area supervisor of the trails and parks for the last 35 years,” adding, “he has done a lot for the City of Whalan,” which is greatly appreciated.
Landsverk discussed a small shed in town that is in poor condition and is really unsafe, noting he has “had to chase kids out of there” in the past. A letter will be sent to the property owners to try to resolve the issue.
Old Business
Johnson and Lewis gave an update on street repair. All areas that needed attention have been taken care of except three spots.
Melander gave an update on dust control. Dust control has been completed.
An update on pest control for the town hall building was given by Tuftin. Plunkett’s recommended eight treatments throughout the year at $45 per application and also a fall invader treatment, which will cost $120. The total cost will be $480 per year. The first treatment was completed on August 9, 2017.
After discussing the possible replacement of street light bulbs with new LED bulbs, the council decided to table the matter until a later date.
Tuftin gave an update on the town hall door. A new door will be chosen by the council and will be installed in the town hall building entrance. While the carpenter is there he will also look at a leak by the other door in the town hall.
New Business
There was a question raised as to whether part-time employee Garrett Melander has a driver’s license, which he does, as documentation was provided. It was also noted that the League of MN Cities has coverage for all part-time employees, council members and volunteers that drive the city truck.
The emergency siren is not working again. Kevin Beck has called the company to find a solution.
Lewis stated there have been complaints about a fence located too close to the road near Aroma Pie Shoppe which prohibits people from parking on the city street. A letter will be sent to the property owner requesting the fence be taken down or moved back to meet the required setback ordinance.
Motion by Lewis, second by W. Berekvam to adjourn. Motion carried.
A Zoning Committee meeting scheduled for September 13, 2017, at 4:30 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled monthly council meeting will be September 11, 2017, at 5 p.m. at the Whalan Town Hall. Residents are encouraged to attend.
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