On the agenda for the April Whalan City Council meeting was the adoption of a resolution addressing the issue of disconnection for non-payment of electric bills. The resolution states that after an electric bill is 90 days overdue the past due amount will be assessed to the resident’s property taxes.
Present at the April 8, 2019, council meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin along with council members Owen Lewis, Everett Johnson, Kim Berekvam and Johnny Halvorson. City Clerk Lolly Melander was absent.
Motion by Johnson, second by Halvorson, to approve two additions to the agenda. Motion carried.
Minutes from the March 11 meeting, Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due were presented by Tuftin. No additions or corrections were requested.
Visitors comments
A resident asked for gravel to be placed in the road by her residence. The council will be looking into the issue on their walking tour of the city.
New Business
The council reviewed a proposed resolution, Resolution 4-2019. The resolution states “Whereas when electric service accounts go past 90 days the city will disconnect the customer from service on day 91. Whereas, customer must pay the account balance in full to the disconnection date cited on the city’s notification statement or whereas, all outstanding utility balance owed to the city will be assessed to the customers property taxes on day 91, thereby rendering the account with a zero balance and a requirement to keep the account current in payment activity. “Whereas in accordance with the cold weather rule the City of Whalan will not disconnect customers from service between November 15 and April 15. Late fee penalties will continue to be assessed according to existing policy. Any assessments made to property taxes will be done on an annual basis in coordination with Fillmore County Auditor/Treasurers office.” This Resolution 4-2019 was approved by the council.
The council approved a building permit for Richard Murphy for a pole building.
A working group to review electric kWh rate increase and/or Base Rate Fee was established. Tuftin and Berekvam will be a part of that group.
The council will make a donation to the Stand Still Parade in the amount of $400.
It was discussed, and approved, to change the monthly council meeting time from 5-7 p.m. The new meeting time will take effect with the May city council meeting.
Berekvam gave an update on the Lanesboro Chamber of Commerce. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Andrzej Zalasinski was in attendance to discuss the partnership between both cities. Berekvam stated she and Zalasinski had a good meeting and discussed what the chamber can do for the City of Whalan as far as advertising.
Funds are also available through the chamber for beautification purposes such as purchasing flowers for the City of Whalan and other possibilities. Zalasinski noted that beautification is part of advertising because if someone takes a picture and people see it and the town looks good it is a marketing tool to draw tourists.
Old Business
The walking tour of the city by the city council will take place April 17, weather permitting. The council members will be looking for any issues that may need to be addressed.
The Zoning Board Committee meeting that was scheduled for April 8 was cancelled and will be rescheduled based on board members availability.
A payment will be made to Andy Luchen for surveying purposes.
The council approved splitting the repair bill from property damage to two neighboring homes that was caused by storm damage, as recommended by the adjuster from the League of Minnesota City who represents the city. Both houses required the same repairs. The cost of the repair, $1,609.52, will be split between the two property owners.
The next Whalan City Council meeting will be held on May 13 at 7 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend.
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