The city council of Whalan, Minn., will have an empty council seat to fill, as council member Wyatt Berekvam informed the council of his resignation at the March 12, 2018, council meeting.
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. by Mayor Marlys Tuftin. Council members present included Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson, Wyatt Berekvam and City Clerk Lolly Melander. Council member Owen Lewis was absent.
Minutes from the February 12, 2018, council meeting were read by Melander. With no additions or corrections, a motion was made by W. Berekvam and seconded by Johnson to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Melander presented the treasurer’s report and bills due to the council. Motion by K. Berekvam, second by Johnson, to approve the treasurer’s report and bills due as read. Motion carried.
Wes Harding with the Root River Trail Town committee attended the council meeting to report on the group’s upcoming events. The pancake breakfast in Whalan will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 15, which is a fundraiser to replace the roof of the Whalan Town Hall. Volunteers will be serving a hearty breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages, sweet rolls and beverages.
Harding noted that donations are needed to help cover the cost of the food and paper products for the pancake breakfast. If you are able to make a donation of any kind please contact Harding at (507) 467-3044.
The Root River Trail Towns 60-mile garage sale will take place on June 22 and 23. Anyone who wishes to have their garage sale added to the garage sale map on the Root River Trail Town website may contact Harding.
Old Business
An update was given on the lodging tax agreement with the City of Lanesboro. There will be one change on the contract due to private data.
Electric Pole Review (STAR inspection) was tabled until the April 2018 meeting.
New Business
The Zoning Board is planning a work shop in April. More information about the work shop will be available at the April 2018 meeting.
The city council will be conducting a walking tour of the city in the near future to look for any issues that may need attention specifically looking at trees on the boulevard.
A spring clean-up drive around will be held in April to make sure city regulations are being followed.
The council discussed asking for additional funds in 2019 for mowing the state bike trail.
W. Berekvam announced his resignation to the council as he will be relocating to Rochester, Minn. The council thanked him for his service and wished him luck.
With Berekvam’s resignation, the city council is looking for someone to fill the seat for the remaining eight months of his term. Any interested parties can contact a council member.
Motion to adjourn the March 2018 meeting was made by W. Berekvam and seconded by K. Berekvam. Motion carried.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan city council meeting will be held on April 9, 2018, at the Whalan City Hall. The meeting will begin at 5 p.m.
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