After many months of hard work by the Planning and Zoning Committee, the Whalan City Council approved a short-term rental ordinance during it’s August 12 meeting.
Present at the regularly scheduled council meeting was Mayor David Hallum, along with council members Owen Lewis, Thore E. Johnson, Sheila Higbe and Kim Berekvam. City Clerk/Treasurer Teresa Grossell was also in attendance. There were no absences.
The council approved the Agenda, the Minutes of the July 8 regular meeting and the Treasurer’s Report.
New Business
The Planning and Zoning Committee made changes to the draft of the short-term rental ordinance that had been requested by the council. After a lengthy discussion, the council approved the Short-Term Rental Ordinance, which allows for seven short-term rentals in Whalan along with two others which are in an overlay area.
Grossell reported to the council that the city had received a letter from a resident expressing concern about a dog running at large in the Rivers Edge Development. Grossell will contact the township to inquire if there is a township ordinance in regards to dogs running at large. If necessary, Grossell will contact the city attorney in regards to a solution.
A Resolution to support County of Fillmore regarding Public Use of Cannabinoids was approved.
The city will participate in the Fillmore County Hazardous Mitigation Plan. If the city of Whalan would like an opportunity to apply for FEMA grants for any reason in the future, it must be documented that Whalan has had representation at the meeting.
Continued Business
Resolution 2024-07, the question of the Municipal Electric System’s future, will be on the General Election Ballot in November. “Should the city of Whalan transfer ownership of their entire municipal electric utility system, including infrastructure and service, to MiEnergy Cooperative effective January 01, 2025?” will be the question on the ballot.
An update on remaining funds from the Lanesboro Area Community Foundation Grant was discussed. The Sentencing to Service (STS) group will be doing more work at the ball field, so funds will be used for supplies.
The last Music in the Bluffs event will take place August 17 with the Rutabaga Brothers performing.
New flags for the bridge were purchased by the American Legion. The city of Whalan will purchase any additional flags that are needed.
The gravel on Deep River Road has not been put down yet.
City Maintenance employee Randy Berekvam gave a report on gasoline meter usage and measurements. Usage has been normal. There are approximately 85 gallons in the tank.
Grossell gave the Clerk/Treasurer updates to the council to update them on any new information. The memorial bench has been installed near the gazebo. The council commented that it is a very nice bench and is a great addition to the gazebo area.
There is a new past due electric utility bill. Grossell sent a letter to the resident requesting the bill be paid.
Grossell reported to the council that she has had intermittent issues with the city laptop. At times she has been unable to connect to the internet or has had problems connecting.
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) will give an annual update and a presentation in November.
Two city council seats and the mayor seat are open for filing. Filing dates will close August 13 at 5 p.m.
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