During the March 10 Whalan City Council meeting, the council approved a resolution on the sale of hemp and cannabis, following suit with other local communities.
Present at the regularly scheduled monthly council meeting were Mayor David Hallum, and council members Thore E. Johnson, Sheila Higbe and Kim Berekvam. City Clerk/Treasurer Teresa Grossell was also in attendance. Council member Owen Lewis was absent.
The council approved the agenda with two additions under new business, which included a quote for a socket for the bike trail and porta-potties for the summer. The minutes from the February 10 council meeting and the treasurer’s report were approved as presented by Grossell.
Joe Goetzke, executive director of the Lanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce (LACC) attended the council meeting to update the council on a successful past year at the chamber. Goetzke also delivered several boxes full of the new visitor’s guides that the city can distribute. Goetzke noted that 20,000 copies of the visitor’s guide were printed this year.
Continued Business
There is an individual who is interested in purchasing five of the old utility meters. Johnson will meet with the interested party.
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MN PUC) officially heard the MiEnergy and Whalan transfer at a meeting on March 6 and the transfer was approved. The process of transferring the municipal electric system is almost complete.
The new fence at the ballfield will be installed this spring.
Berekvam and Johnson attended the Lanesboro Fire Association Annual Fire Meeting last month, representing the city of Whalan. There has been an increase in rates in 2025 with the fire department raising its rate by approximately $150, and the ambulance service had a rate increase as well, of approximately $40.
A discussion was held on the Spongy Moth Management Proposal for 2025 from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. There will be a virtual meeting on the proposed management activities on March 18, from 6-7 p.m. Visit www.mda.state.mn.us/smmanagement to register.
New Business
After a short discussion, the council approved Resolution 2025-05 adopting Fillmore County Ordinance 20230523 on Sale of Hemp and Cannabis.
The council spent time filling out the requested questions of the Fillmore County Local Mitigation Survey which is due March 31, 2025. Grossell will send in the survey to complete the city’s requirement.
A discussion was held on who should pay for new electric expenses from MiEnergy related to a block well, the gazebo and the Whalan Museum. The city will pay for the Town Hall building electric expense, which includes the museum located upstairs. A meeting will be held at a later date to discuss how the payment of the block well will be handled.
A quote from Frank Electric was approved to replace a meter socket along the bike trail at a cost of $485.
Two porta-potty units will be delivered on the bike trail on April 1 and will be removed on October 31. One unit will be delivered to the ballfield on June 1 and will be removed on September 30.
Grossell updated the council on work completed, items due soon, grant submissions and other information. The Annual Energy Report has been completed, the financial audit has been submitted and the MiEnergy transfer is progressing. COVID reporting, the Annual Electric Power Report and quarterly taxes will be due soon.
Grossell submitted two grant applications including a grant application from the Taylor Family Farms Foundation and a second grant application was submitted to the Lanesboro Area Community Foundation (LACF). Grossell will update the council on any responses to the grant applications.
One outstanding December electric bill remains unpaid. Grossell will take the next steps to collect payment.
Grossell reminded the council of Tim Penny’s retirement party on April 17 in Owatonna if any of the council members can attend.
There will be a public forum hosted by the Driftless Hiking Trail representatives on Monday, April 28, at the Whalan Town Hall. The public is encouraged to attend to learn about the hiking trail and ask any questions they may have. Information about the meeting will be posted on the city of Whalan’s website at cityofwhalan.weebly.com.
Grossell was contacted shortly before the council meeting by someone who will be hosting a music series over Memorial Day weekend and questioned whether Whalan would be interested in having a free concert in town. Grossell will learn more information on the music series and report back to the council.
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