The Minnesota Department of Transportation invites the public to attend a virtual meeting Tuesday, April 6, 2021, to learn about a planned project to reconstruct Hwy. 56 in LeRoy.
The online meeting begins at 6 p.m. and lasts approximately one hour. Members of the project management team will provide a presentation followed by a question and answer session. Attendees can join the meeting online or participate by phone. A meeting link, phone number and other information are listed on the Hwy. 56 project website. To prevent the further spread of COVID-19, MnDOT has indefinitely postponed all in-person public events. The event will be recorded and posted to the project website for those unable to attend.
Construction is scheduled for 2023 and proposed work includes the following.
• Reconstruct approximately 1.2 miles of Hwy. 56 through LeRoy
• Replace storm water, sanitary sewer and water main
• Extend water main past Ada St.
• Replace and install new curb and gutter
• Improve intersection safety at Mower County Road 12, Hwy. 56 and Main St. E. Alter intersection and construct cul-de-sac west of Mower County 12
• Replace and install new sidewalks
• Define buffer zone between traffic and parking with striping from Mather St. to Everett St. Buffer zone will allow for biking
• Improve school crosswalk safety, construct bump out at Mower County Road 14
• Create wider school parking zone
• Optional landscaping including trees and plants
People can stay connected with the project by signing up for email updates and through the project website. Information will also be shared on the MnDOT | Southeast Minnesota Facebook group and the MnDOT District 6 Twitter account.
MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all. If you need an ASL, a foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to Janet Miller at or call (651) 366-4720.
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