Photo by Jason Sethre
Samantha Jo Petersen, 35, is facing 21 criminal charges relating to a fatal accident on the morning of September 25, 2023, that claimed the lives of two Amish children. Her twin sister, Sarah Beth Petersen, is facing 16 criminal charges relating to the same fatal accident.
Back on September 25, 2023, a horse drawn Amish buggy carting four children on County Road 1 in the Sumner Center area was struck by a vehicle. Seven-year-old Wilma Miller and 11-year-old Irma Miller were both fatally injured in the crash. Nine-year-old Alan Miller and 13-year-old Rose Miller were both transported to St. Marys Hospital with unknown injuries. All four victims in the crash were siblings and residents of rural Stewartville, Minn.
According to statements released in search warrants, when law enforcement arrived on the scene, they observed a silver 2005 Toyota 4Runner with front end damage and the buggy located in the west ditch. The driver of the vehicle was believed to be Sarah Beth Petersen. However, the vehicle was registered to Samantha Jo Petersen, the twin sister to Sarah Beth Petersen.
Since this was a fatal crash, law enforcement conducted tests with Sarah, the alleged driver of the Toyota SUV, to determine if there were signs of impairment.
Based on information revealed during the investigation, it was determined that Sarah was possibly not the driver of the vehicle. Instead, it was believed to be her twin sister Samantha.
The report indicates that Samantha was believed to be the driver of the vehicle when it struck the Amish buggy, but then her sister Sarah showed up on the scene and they traded places before law enforcement arrived.
A thorough investigation was conducted by the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office with the help of state agencies.
On February 5, 2024, a Statement of Probable Cause was presented with a complaint filed against Samantha Jo Petersen. On February 7, 2024, a Statement of Probable Cause was also presented with a complaint filed against Sarah Beth Petersen. Both Statements of Probable Cause have similar information for Samantha and Sarah, due to their intertwined roles in the case.
Within the 18 page Statement of Probable Cause filed against Samantha Jo Petersen, below are items of interest relative to the investigation.
A review of (Deputy) Sweeney’s squad camera footage revealed that when he arrived on scene, two blonde females were present. In the first part of the video, both the females can be seen on the roadway. Female #1 is wearing a black coat and black leggings with thong sandals. Female #2 is initially wearing a red shirt consistent with a Hy-Vee employee uniform. Shortly after Sweeney’s arrival, Female #2 moves a vehicle to the side of the road and when she exits the vehicle, she is seen wearing a black tank top instead of the red shirt. Female #2’s footwear appears to remain consistent.
Deputy Don Kullot with the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office arrived on scene and was walking south through the emergency vehicles when he was approached by a female in a black light-weight coat (Female #1). Female #1 later identified herself as “Sarah Beth Petersen” (DOB: 03/30/1988). She was visibly upset and told Kullot that she was the driver of the car that hit the Amish buggy. As Kullot and Female #1 were walking to his squad truck, Kullot activated his digital pocket recorder. Kullot asked for her driver’s license. She said it was in a black SUV parked in a field near the firetrucks. Kullot walked to the black SUV with her. Kullot thought it was odd that her driver’s license was in the black SUV when she claimed to have been driving the silver SUV at the time of the crash. Female #2, later self-identified as “Samantha Jo Petersen” (DOB: 03/30/1988), said she took the wallet from the silver SUV and brought it to the black SUV. Kullot noticed Female #2 looked extremely similar to Female #1. Female #1 produced a paper copy of a MN temporary license with the name of Sarah Beth Petersen (DOB: 03/30/1988). Kullot asked if she was still living in Spring Valley as shown on the temporary license. She confirmed she was.
Kullot had Sarah sit in the front seat of his squad truck for privacy. Kullot asked her to tell him what happened. She said she had been driving, didn’t see the buggy, and hit them. She said the buggy was on the road, closer to the middle of the road. Kullot asked where she was headed. She said she was headed home from work in Rochester. Kullot asked if she works overnights. She said she works day shift but she was headed to Spring Valley to make sure her kids were out of bed and get them to school before heading to work at 10:00 AM. Kullot asked what she was doing in Rochester. She said she had stopped to get her paycheck, cash it, pay her electricity bill, and then head in to work.
Kullot asked her if the vehicle belonged to her or someone else. Sarah said the vehicle belonged to her sister, Samantha Petersen, and that her vehicle was in the shop. Kullot asked if she and Samantha were twins and Sarah confirmed they were.
Kullot left the squad truck to discuss next steps with Captain Phil Whitacre and Deputy Jordan Heyer with the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office. Kullot left his digital recorder on in the squad truck. While Kullot was speaking with Whitacre and Heyer, Sarah had opened the window to visit with her sister, Samantha. The discussion between the two sisters was recorded. In the recording, the sisters chatted about what was asked by law enforcement to each of them. During the recording, Sarah can be heard saying, “I think that one of the guys is onto me but I don’t really care…” and “there’s no way they would ever know the difference between the two of us so they can’t tell.”
After visiting with Whitacre and Heyer, Kullot returned to the squad truck. Kullot read the Miranda Waiver of Rights to Sarah. Kullot asked her if she would be willing to speak with him. She was hesitant. She said she didn’t feel like she did anything wrong but knows that she hit someone, killed someone, and would have to live with that for the rest of her life. Kullot asked her again if she would answer his questions. She said she didn’t know. She asked if she was being criminally charged and what the charge would be. Kullot said the charges would be up to the decision of the County Attorney. She continued to say, “I don’t know.”
Kullot asked for her motor vehicle insurance information. She provided a picture of the insurance card on her phone. The insurance company later confirmed that the policy was cancelled on September 22, 2023. The silver SUV did not have insurance at the time of the crash.
Kullot again asked Sarah if she would be willing to answer his questions and that he had some very difficult questions that needed answers. She said she would like to speak to attorney but didn’t have one in mind. Kullot informed her that he would be seizing her phone. The phone was logged into evidence.
Samantha asked to retrieve an item out of the silver SUV. Kullot asked her what it was. She said there was an ID card that was under the floormat. Kullot escorted Samantha to the silver SUV and she retrieved the ID. Kullot took a photograph of the MN driver’s license belonging to SAMANTHA JO PETERSEN (DOB: 03/30/1988), which was expired. Kullot did not see anything else being removed. Inside the silver SUV, Kullot noticed a couple of burnt marijuana blunts and a small tin can commonly used to hold marijuana. The vehicle was later towed and inventoried. A red tee shirt and black smock worn by Hy-Vee employees was located inside the silver SUV.
Heyer and Whitacre took statements from the district store manager for Hy-Vee (hereinafter referred to as “DSM”) and the Human Resources manager (hereinafter “HR”) regarding the fatal crash. DSM stated Sarah and Samantha both work for him. Samantha had messaged DSM and HR on September 25, 2023, saying that she messed up and was under the influence of methamphetamine at the time of the crash. Heyer asked why Sarah would take the fall for Samantha. DSM believed it was because Samantha took care of Sarah’s children while Sarah was in prison and now, she feels like she needs to help Samantha.
HR said Samantha punched out of work at 7:47 AM on September 25, 2023. Around 10:00 AM on September 25, Samantha texted HR asking HR to call her. HR called Samantha and the first words out of Samantha’s mouth were, “I f***ed up….” “I just killed two Amish people; they were kids…” “I just hit a f***ing buggy and I killed two people….” “I’m not sober.” HR said Samantha sounded hysterical. HR asked Samantha if she had been drinking and Samantha said, “No, [HR], you know that’s not my first choice… I’m high on meth.” HR asked Samantha if she called 911 and Samantha confirmed that she called 911 before calling Sarah. Samantha said she left the scene after Sarah came. HR later provided text messages from Samantha admitting what she did. The text messages are dated September 26, 2023. HR confirmed with Whitacre that Samantha is employed as a baker and that her uniform consists of a black chef’s jacket with black pants. HR knows Samantha to drive a silver Toyota 4Runner SUV. On September 26th, Sarah texted HR saying she wasn’t coming in and that she was helping Samantha get into treatment.
A review of a message exchange between Samantha and an individual identified as “DH” in her phone on September 25 through September 26, 2023 is as follows:
DH: This little girl got killed today so sad
Sam: dan i don’t think you realize that i did that
DH: I’m confused
Sam: confused on what i hit that amish buggy and killed two ppl
Sam: made sarah come there and take the fall for it so i wouldn’t go to prison
Investigators reviewed searches on Samantha’s phone and discovered that she searched, “What happens if you get in an accident with an Amish buggy and kill two people,” “how to lock an iphone cops have,” and “if you hit a buggy and kill two people are you going to prison?” and similar searches.
While both sisters resided in Spring Valley, Minn., at the time of the accident, court documents now indicate they live together at an address in Kellogg, Minn.
The first court appearance for Samantha Jo Petersen is scheduled for March 24, 2024. Sara Beth Petersen is scheduled for her first court appearance on April 1, 2024.
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