D-E Invite (Girls: 1st LFCMC (128), 2nd D-E (111), 3rd RPH, 4th (of 6) Chatfield. Boys: 1st RPH (179), 2nd SC (177), 3rd Chatfield, 5th LFCMC. D-E, SC, and K-W also competed. LFCMC 1sts: E. Breitsprecher (300-H), Malia Tessum (1,600), Kelly Ristau (H-Jump), the girls 4×800 (Kammry Broadwater, Katelin Prinsen, Breitsprecher, Brielle Ruen). LFCMC individual 2nds: Ruen (400), Breitsprecher (P-Vault), Ristau (T-Jump), Josh Peters (400), Drew Wyffels (T-Jump). Sydney Taylor had a third (Disc) and a fourth (Shot). Broadwater (400) added a third. Wyffels (200) added a fourth. Macayla Brogle (100, 200) had two fourths. RPH 1sts: T. Meldahl (110-H, L-Jump), A. Van Gundy (H-Jump), K. Bieberdorf (T-Jump), B. Gile (T-Jump), Kaleah Davis (Shot), Ben Wieser (Shot), the girls 4×100 (Hinz, Bieberdorf, E. Geiwitz, Allison Papenfuss) & 4×200 (Hinz, J. Albrecht, Geiwitz, Papenfuss). RPH individual 2nds: Hinz (100, H-Jump), Van Gundy (L-Jump), Davis (Disc), Wieser (Disc), Nick Schmitz (300-H), Mitchell Ledebuhr (3,200). Geiwitz (L-Jump) added a third. Meldahl added a third (T-Jump) and a fifth (200). Gile added a third (L-Jump) and a fourth (100). Van Gundy (T-Jump) and Schmitz (110-H) added fourths. Chatfield 1sts: Chance Backer (200), Aletta Strande (3,200), Silja Erickson (Disc), the boys 4×200 (Gage Tuohy, Carson Larrabee, Jared Baker, Jack Tuohy). Chatfield individual 2nds: Backer (100), Becca Fox (100-H), Bea Martin (3,200), Kaci Goldsmith (Shot). Jonathan Frank (Shot, Disc) had two thirds.)
Glen Amundsen/Stewartville Invite (Girls: 1st Stewie (47), 2nd GMLOKS (41). GMLOKS boys took fourth (of 7). Byron, K-M, Triton, Hayfield, and BP also competed. GM 1sts: A. Reiland (200 – meet record 26.32), H. Hindt (100-H, 300-H), Riley Queensland (H-Jump), the girls 4×100 (Lauren Buchholtz, H. Hindt, Isabelle Olson, Queensland), the boys 4×200 (Luke Speer, Christian Hjelman, Lucas Howard, James Howard) & 4×400 (Blake Ludemann, Jacob Kerrins, Howard, Howard). GM individual 2nds: Queensland (200), Madison Hindt (100-H), L. Howard (400), Zach Hauser (H-Jump). J. Howard added a third (200) and a fourth (H-Jump – tie). L. Howard (T-Jump) and Olson (100) added thirds)
Triton Invite (Girls: 1st Lourdes (198), 2nd GMLOKS (160). GMLOKS boys took fifth (of 7). Medford, K-W, Triton, Faribault B.A., and BP also competed. GM 1sts: H. Hindt (100-H, 300-H), A. Reiland (200), Noah Watson (Disc), the girls 4×100 (A. Reiland, L. Buchholtz, H. Hindt, K. Kirtz) and 4×800 (Shelby Beck, Maddy Bhend, Sydney Altstat, Kendyl Queensland) teams. GM individual 2nds: L. Buchholtz (100), Aubrie Schneider (1,600), R. Queensland (H-Jump), K. Kirtz (L-Jump), L. Howard (T-Jump), Greta Warmka (Shot). Z. Hauser (H-Jump, L-Jump) had two thirds)
L-A Invite (Girls: 1st LFCMC (156), 2nd L-A (112.5), 3rd (of 5) Chatfield. Boys: 1st L-A (166), 2nd Chatfield (95), 3rd LFCMC. L-A’s combined teams (278.5) bested LFCMC (249.5). LFCMC 1sts: E. Breitsprecher (100-H, 300-H, P-Vault), S. Taylor (Shot, Disc), B. Ruen (200), M. Tessum (800), J. Peters (200, L-Jump), Ben Snyder (400), Tyler Raeen (800), the girls 4×200 (Alida Berg, Lauren Brogle, Morgan Pickett, M. Brogle) & 4×400 (M. Brogle, Breitsprecher, Kam. Broadwater, Ruen), the boys 4×800 (Jake Gathje, Raaen, Jayce Kiehne, Carson Kiehne). LFCMC individual 2nds: Berg (200), Broadwater (400), Katelyn Kleiboer (800), Addie Miner (1,600), J. Kiehne (800), Mason Howard (3,200), Trenten Chiglo (P-Vault). Peters (100), Ruen (100), L. Brogle (400), and M. Brogle (L-Jump) added thirds. Chatfield 1sts: Izzy Berg (3,200 – just two competitors), C. Backer (100), J. Tuohy (T-Jump), the boys 4×200 (J. Tuohy, Backer, Eli Hopp, G. Tuohy). Chatfield individual 2nds: B. Fox (100-H, 300-H), Lauren Cole (H-Jump), S. Erickson (Disc), Simon Swartzentruber (H-Jump), J. Frank (Disc). Swartentruber (300-H) and Hopp (400) added thirds)
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