At the Fillmore County Board’s August 23 meeting, commissioners directed County Administrator Bobbie Hillery to look for cost savings to trim the county’s preliminary 2023 budget. Early budget numbers register a possible double digit percent increase in the levy. For several weeks now, each department head has provided preliminary numbers for 2023. This day several budgets … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Public Health acquires car seats through grant, will sponsor car seat clinic
“Ninety percent of car seats, nationally, are misused,” quoted Brenda Pohlman, CPS (Child Passenger Safety) Technician Proxy. “That number is higher in Fillmore County.” Fillmore County Public Health has Blue Plus, UCare, and Office of Public Safety grant car seats, and now the Gift of Safety grant. Fillmore County Public Health was one of three Minnesota organizations to … [Read more...]
Fillmore County continues review of 2023 preliminary budgets
The many budgets under the Sheriff’s Department were discussed at the county board’s August 9 meeting. The budgets under the Sheriff Department umbrella include 911 funds, sheriff office, Spring Valley contract, Mabel-Canton-Harmony contracts, forfeitures, DARE, dispatch, court security, jail, and emergency management. Sheriff John DeGeorge said a big change in the Sheriff’s … [Read more...]
CUP recommended by Fillmore County Planning Commission
The Fillmore County Planning Commission met on July 21 for a public hearing to consider an application for a conditional use permit for a sand and gravel pit, located in section 19 of Spring Valley Township. Mitch Froehlich spoke for Ulland Brothers, Inc., a local paving and excavation contractor (founded in 1920). The employee-owned company has a three-year lease agreement … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Community Corrections savings
The newly hired Community Corrections Director Tom Jensen addressed the Fillmore County board for the first time at its July 26 meeting. Jensen has been on the job for the county since July 18. He has been working on the 2023 budget for the new department. The board voted to withdraw from Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted Community Corrections and the Joint Powers Agreement, effective … [Read more...]
Fillmore County schools and law enforcement meet about school safety
When Sheriff John DeGeorge heard details of the school shooting in Uvalde, Tex., he anticipated questions from the public on local preparedness for such an event in Fillmore County. As he thought about it, he wondered if schools were getting questions as well. DeGeorge decided to invite Fillmore County school administrators and local police chiefs to attend a joint meeting with … [Read more...]
MiBroadband to expand internet service for Fillmore County residents
A groundbreaking event was held on July 18 to announce two broadband projects, one in rural Fillmore County and one in Howard/Chickasaw Counties in Iowa. MiBroadband was awarded a $1.1 million grant in 2021 from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Border-to-Border Grant. The grant and a $2.1 million local match will be used to upgrade … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Airport to receive $950,000
At the July 11 Fillmore County Board meeting, airport manager Pam Schroeder reported that the Fillmore County Airport will be awarded a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant in the amount of $950,000. It is one of four grants to be received by Minnesota airports. The federal funding is part of the bi-partisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that was signed into … [Read more...]
Fillmore County recognizes need for inflation related budgeting adjustments
At the June 28 Fillmore County Board meeting, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reported on the April Consumer Price Index (CPI). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics had reported that costs increased 8.3% before seasonal adjustment over the last 12 months. Hillery noted they generally use the April CPI to establish a possible cost of living increase in the budgeting process … [Read more...]
Fillmore County hears valuation appeals
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery administered the oath to county commissioners and Auditor/Treasurer Christy Smith as Board of Appeal & Equalization members at the June 14 public meeting. County Assessor Jason McCaslin began by explaining the assessor’s role in the property tax system. The tax burden is to be distributed evenly and according to Minnesota statutes. Each … [Read more...]
Fillmore County reviews results of 2021 performance goals
The county has participated in the state program, the Council on Local Results and Innovation, since its inception by the Minnesota legislature in 2010. At the board’s June 14 meeting, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reviewed the 2021 results. The intention of the program is to outline at least 10 goals for the coming year and to strive to provide quality services to its … [Read more...]
Site plans for Fillmore County Jail presented
Bruce Schwartzman and Henry Pittner, BKV Group, presented a concept site plan, proposed schedule, and a preliminary construction estimate for the project at the county board’s June 7 meeting. Pittner detailed the plan which will include an addition on the west side of the existing building. The existing garage will be reused. All doors and areas of the facility will be … [Read more...]
Fillmore County to advertise for Community Corrections director
Approval was given to advertise for a Community Corrections Director at the May 24 board meeting. Fillmore County withdrew from Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted Community Corrections and the Joint Powers Agreement, effective January 1, 2023. Since then, David Drown Associates has done a review of the job description and classification for the director position. A Fillmore County … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Planning Commission recommends approval of switchyard for solar farm
The process for the construction of a large solar farm in Beaver Township moved one step closer after the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of an application submitted by Dairyland Power Cooperative for an electrical switchyard. The May 19 meeting was the first meeting of the Planning Commission since October 2021. Being the first meeting in 2022, new … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Community Corrections to be established
The Fillmore County Board at their May 10 meeting took a step forward to implement Fillmore County Community Corrections within the Community Services Model. The board has been discussing this move for a number of years. A resolution was unanimously approved to withdraw from the Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted Community Corrections (DFO) and the Joint Powers Agreement, effective … [Read more...]