At the June 14 meeting of the Fillmore County Planning Commission, a proposed Renewable Energy Ordinance and the regulation of large commercial solar power systems dominated the discussion. The county’s current ordinance does not regulate commercial solar power systems. At the commission’s last meeting in May representatives of Tradewind Energy, a Kansas based for profit … [Read more...]
MPCA extends public comment period for proposed hog feedlot in Fillmore County
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has extended the public comment period to July 3 at 4:30 p.m. for the Environmental Assessment Worksheet on the proposed Catalpa, LLC hog facility in Fillmore County. Comments already submitted on the proposal will become part of the public record. This means that citizens need not submit their comments again during the extended … [Read more...]
Illegal dumping in county
Solid Waste Administrator Andrew Hatzenbihler reported to the county board at their June 5 meeting that some residents continue to dump materials illegally at county recycling sites. Commissioner Gary Peterson was absent. Hatzenbihler said the dumping is getting to be a large problem. Current policy allows for a $500 fine with a misdemeanor charge. Hatzenbihler suggested a … [Read more...]
Interpretation of ordinance creates snag over precedence
When looking at zoning, ordinances and policy-making can be a bit of a beast. Townships, cities, and counties have ordinances in place for the benefit of property owners and to keep things decidedly black and white. But, what happens when interpretation creates a fuzzy, gray zone and the idea of entity precedence and property owner rights clash? Five of the 23 townships within … [Read more...]
Solar energy project in Fillmore County
The county’s planning commission learned more about large solar energy projects at their May 17 meeting. The commission has been working on language for a Renewable Energy Ordinance that would regulate both solar and wind energy systems. Travis Narum, development director for “tradewindenergy,” gave a power point presentation on the Kansas based company’s solar development … [Read more...]
County approves leasing program for squad cars
Discussion continued from the previous board meeting regarding a proposed leasing program, Enterprise Fleet Management, for squad cars at the county board’s May 8 meeting. Sheriff Tom Kaase said he believed we will see greater savings in repairs with the management program. Vehicles will be run for fewer miles, which will result in a higher resale value. During the presentation … [Read more...]
Enterprise Fleet Management makes its pitch to the county
Wong Nystrom, senior account executive with Enterprise Fleet Management, Inc., presented the terms of a leasing program for sheriff department vehicles at the county board’s April 24 meeting. Nystrom suggested rotating the vehicles on a 3-5 year cycle through a partnership with Enterprise would lower the county’s operating costs and improve safety and reliability. Savings … [Read more...]
Planning Commission tweaks Renewable Energy Ordinance
At the April 19 meeting of the Fillmore County Planning Commission, revisions were made on a proposed ordinance for renewable energy. The county has only a wind power ordinance currently. This proposed ordinance will regulate both wind and solar energy systems. Zoning Administrator Cristal Adkins explained the wind portion is similar to the current ordinance. However, more … [Read more...]
County to discontinue homecare, votes on veterans home site
After a lengthy discussion, commissioners decided to discontinue public health homecare at their April 10 meeting. Clients and homecare employees will be notified of the county’s intention to transition to private companies over the next few months. The target date to complete the transition is July 1. During this period home health staff and clients will have time to select … [Read more...]
County hears report on home care feasibility
Jessica Erickson, Director of Nursing, reported findings from a home care feasibility committee study at the board’s April 3 meeting. She commented that home care services are hard to find in Fillmore County. The number of clients being served by the county have generally been trending down over the last several years. There are 15 skilled nursing clients, (includes … [Read more...]
Temporary concrete batch plant for CSAH 1 paving
The Fillmore County Planning Commission held their first meeting of 2018 on March 15. The last meeting of 2017 was held on October 26. Zoning administrator Cristal Adkins opened the meeting and welcomed new member Trinity Johnson. Johnson will replace Brad Erickson who retired from the committee after 12 years of service. Gary Ruskell was elected chairman and Steve Duxbury was … [Read more...]
County adopts five-year highway construction improvement plan
At the March 13 meeting of the Fillmore County Board, County Engineer Ron Gregg presented the county’s five-year highway construction improvement plan (2017-2021). The five-year capital improvement plan had been discussed in the Highway committee. Gregg noted changes may occur, as the plan is subject to funding and priority. Chairman Mitch Lentz commented that needed projects … [Read more...]
Fillmore County proactively battles cyberbullying and sexting
The Fillmore County Sheriff’s Department and Fillmore County Attorney’s Office are in the midst of an initiative geared towards bringing awareness to the effects of bullying and social media usage and its gaining momentum. “The main goals of our campaign on appropriate social media usage is to keep our younger citizens, and all citizens, safer, to prevent them from becoming … [Read more...]
Failure to recycle cardboard costs county
Commissioners discussed fines imposed by Winneshiek County Sanitary Landfill for cardboard contaminated loads at their March 6 meeting. Andrew Hatzenbihler, solid waste administrator, reported the county has been charged $150 per ton (normally $68 per ton) on a trailer load delivered to the landfill on February 13 because of cardboard contamination. Hatzenbihler said … [Read more...]
County thanks employees for their service
At the February 27 meeting of the County Board, Fillmore County employees were recognized for their contribution to the county. Each year employees that have been with the county for 5, 10 15, 20, 25, or 30 years are given a certificate of appreciation for their service. This year 27 employees were recognized. Todd Kokinos, maintenance specialist, III, Highway De partment, … [Read more...]