The Spring Valley Public Library is gradually opening for service. At this time, we provide the following: curbside pick-up, extended WiFi, virtual story times, and information through our library Facebook page and website.
Governor Walz has allowed the stay-at-home order to expire and businesses to reopen, but they are cautioned only to do so if they can protect users. Since libraries are “high-touch” spaces, where people often spend a lot of time close together, libraries throughout the SELCO region are working on plans to address those needs.
Among our concerns in Spring Valley are: number of people in the space, use of shared computing resources, and how to provide a safe user experience for both our patrons and our staff.
Strategies we are undertaking or plan to implement include: working to secure a reliable supplier of disinfectant for the library, cleaning surfaces regularly with approved disinfectants on a timed schedule and after each use, quarantining SV books/materials for 72 hours, spacing people out at safe distances by placing tape on the floors, removing excess furniture, not gathering in groups by offering sign up times for library use once we are ready, offering some of our Summer Reading Program presenters as virtual performances, building story strolls and grab-and-go activities for families, and installing protective equipment to provide protection between staff and patrons such as sneeze guards, face masks, and keyboard covers.
Right now we do not have access to enough of the supplies we need to make it possible to reopen. Efforts are under way to obtain those, and to install the necessary equipment. We recognize that our services are essential to so many who are dealing with the pandemic, and in order to be accessible as quickly and safely as possible, anticipate a phased reopening, rather than a “the doors are now open” reopening. As we are able to begin that, we will advise our community through our website and Facebook page and by notices posted on our front door and around the community.
Please bear with us at this difficult time as we are trying to be responsible and safe for all members of our community. We are excited to see you again soon in the library!
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