The Spring Valley City Council met in regular session on May 29. Members in attendance included Mayor Tony Archer, Luan Ruesink, Chris Danielson, John Dols, and City Administrator Deb Zimmer. Mike Hadland was absent. No visitors had signed up to address the council.
The council discussed an issue that’s been brought up before regarding whether or not the city should have a specified contact person (policy coordinator) within the Fillmore County Sheriff’s department. Until now, the city has chosen to have this position, because it allows that person to be the main liaison between the city and the department.
Because of the upcoming departure of Jessy Betts, the city’s options now are to eliminate the policy coordinator position for Spring Valley, or to have it filled by sergeants (supervisory staff within the department). John Dols made a motion to continue the position, and have it filled by the applicable sergeants.
Luan Ruesink responded, “My thought on the situation is to dissolve the position and divide the responsibilities up between the three deputies.” She explained that since the two sergeants live outside of Spring Valley, and generally work nights, she fears it may be tough to reach them promptly during daytime hours.
Deb Zimmer said something to keep in mind is that if the policy coordinator position is eliminated, the city would most likely no longer get the monthly activity reports, and there would generally not be a member of the department at city council meetings. Jessy Betts addressed the council, explaining that the main advantage to having the position is, “Simply that you’re talking to the people that can actually make a difference with any problems you have… Doing it with the three (deputies) in town, they’re just going to have to go back to the sergeants.” Betts said the only real advantage to eliminating the position is the cost savings. But he explained that some small towns choose not to have the position; it just depends on what each town decides they want.
Zimmer shared that without a policy coordinator, the city might contact a deputy, who then might have several days off, and she said it’s possible the message may not be promptly forwarded to the other deputies. But she said the policy coordinator has a duty to communicate any such messages to all applicable personnel. After discussion, the council voted to continue with the policy coordinator position, using the two sergeants, as assigned by the sheriff.
Brian Holtz, representing the engineering firm of Bolton & Menk, spoke to the council about the ongoing issue of the Brian Owens property. He summarized that the matter had been discussed at the council’s recent work session, and he said in order to do a “land swap,” there would be considerable expense, possibly in excess of $10,000. He said the two options are, “Do nothing, or my recommendation is, I think what’s fair on all parties, is reducing his assessment to 66 feet, for an easement giving you true legal access to those culverts and that drainage way.” He said it’s essentially a trade, adding, “That doesn’t change ownership, it just gives you true legal access forever… to essentially do all the stuff you’re doing now.” The council voted to pursue the plan as suggested by Holtz.
Zimmer brought up a concern that the city was informed of, regarding recent door-to-door soliciting by workers from the Edward D. Jones Company. She explained that Spring Valley has an ordinance prohibiting door-to-door solicitation, but a representative of ED Jones asked if this could be waived since the company is simply trying to determine whether or not to open a branch office in Spring Valley. After discussion, the council voted to not waive the ordinance regarding this.
The council considered two bids received for use of the “hay grounds,” and accepted the higher bid, from Tom Lentz. John Fenske reported that the swimming pool got painted, and it should be ready soon. John Dols and Mayor Archer each voiced appreciation for the quick action by the fire department in dispatching storm spotters during the recent severe weather warnings. The next regular meeting of the council will be Monday, June 10 at 6 p.m. As always, the public is welcome.
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