During the Spring Valley City Council meeting on August 12, the council set three public hearings for September 9, beginning at 6 p.m. (immediately prior to the regular council meeting). All members were in attendance (Mayor Tony Archer, Luan Ruesink, Chris Danielson, John Dols, Mike Hadland and City Administrator Deb Zimmer).
Included in the public hearings on September 9 will be a hearing regarding financing for a project described as “constructing and equipping two additions to Spring Valley Living… consisting of a 24-bed memory care unit with adult day care and 1845 square foot garage, and 12 skilled nursing beds.”
A public hearing will also be held regarding the city’s proposed “Dangerous Dog Ordinance.” Zimmer explained that currently, Spring Valley follows the state’s statute on this issue, but that the city now has a proposed ordinance, and therefore, a public hearing is required. She suggested it should also be reviewed by law enforcement personnel. The council voted to set a public hearing, contingent upon review by coordinators for the sheriff’s department.
The third public hearing will be on an issue that Zimmer spoke about. She said the city has been petitioned about vacating Griswald, which she described as, “That little portion down at the bottom of the drive at BP.” The council agreed to set a public hearing on September 9, which will give Zimmer enough time to do the required public notices.
The council heard a presentation from Chris Hahn, Community & Business Development Specialist for Community and Economic Development Associates (CEDA). He spoke on the topic of “Vision, Mission, and Strategic Planning” and he explained how these lay the foundation for everything that an organization does. He gave examples of mission statements of well-known corporations.
The council discussed the makeup of the local EDA board. Because of the expectation that two city council members be on the EDA board, the council discussed whether to expand the EDA board from five to seven members. There was discussion that filling a seven member board longterm could be a challenge. John Dols stated, “I just look at problems we have, even on Planning & Zoning, trying to keep a full commission there.” He advocated for leaving the EDA at five members total. Chris Danielson voiced agreement, and Zimmer said most cities have five EDA members, and she could not think of any city with seven. The council voted to keep the EDA board at five members overall.
The council considered plans for purchasing an electronic sign to be displayed at the site of the former tourism center in Spring Valley. Zimmer said the cost is $33,560, but that the city has $26,250 already allocated for the purchase. She said if the council wishes, the remainder could come from “cable access funds.” The council voted to make the purchase as suggested. The city will also look into landscaping or other work to help that area look its best.
Chris Danielson updated the council that there’s been interest in repairing the EFIS on the exterior of the public library. One idea was to remove the EFIS and replace with a steel covering, but Danielson said that the cost was prohibitive, so the plans are “on hold” until further notice. Mayor Archer said the fire department is looking into possibly purchasing a drone to help view fires remotely.
A request from St. Ignatius Catholic Church, for a temporary liquor license for September 21, was approved. Luan Ruesink reminded all that South Park prohibits pets. She said she continues to see dogs in the park frequently, despite posted signs about this rule. The next regular meeting of the council will be Monday, August 26 at 6 p.m. As always, the public is welcome.
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