The Spring Valley City Council met in regular session on April 13. Due to social distancing guidelines, the meeting was held at the community center, with all attendees seated with at least six feet of space. Members present included Mayor Tony Archer, Luan Ruesink, Chris Danielson, John Dols, and City Administrator Deb Zimmer. Also in attendance was Park & Rec Director John Fenske. Mike Hadland was absent.
John Fenske addressed the council on the topic of if/when the pool and other summer rec programs might open. He summarized that, “It’s kind of up to the Governor.” Fenske said the city of Minneapolis has already decided that pools will be closed for the summer, but he understands that if Spring Valley’s pool could open, even at a later date (such as around July 4) that would help alleviate cabin fever being felt by everyone during the current “stay at home” orders. Chris Danielson asked if it would even be worthwhile to open the pool if the opening were delayed until July. Fenske said if that happens, the city could consider keeping the pool open later into the fall. He added that one of his main challenges would be filling the lifeguard schedule, which becomes even more challenging when college students go back to school. No action was taken at this time.
The council discussed requests for an upcoming Fins and Films event. The request from Greg Melartin included vintage camping, a fire dancer, a flamethrower, and a 10 x 10-foot fire in Spring Creek Park. Luan Ruesink voiced a concern, stating, “I have some significant concerns about the request from a city standpoint and liability.” She also stated an objection to any street closures near the fire station, to avoid interfering with emergency vehicles. The council denied the request.
Deb Zimmer added, “In addition to his Fins and Films request, I got an email from him this morning that he wants to hold a drive-in movie event next weekend in the semi parking lot over here.” John Dols stated, “My concern is how do we police it.” Council members also said the event does not appear to be in compliance with Minnesota’s current “stay at home” orders, and the council voted unanimously to deny the request.
Planning for Fremont Street repairs was considered, with Zimmer explaining, “There is some discussion about upcoming stimulus grant funds available for infrastructure… Fremont Street is something that we were looking at doing probably in the next five years anyway.” She said if the council chooses to approve having the design work done, at a cost of $154,000, the design would be good for the next five years, and would make the project “shovel ready,” which is a requirement for any stimulus funds that may be available. The council voted to approve the design work for the east end of Fremont Street.
The council considered two agenda items related to a housing Tax Incremental Funding (TIF) plan. The council voted to authorize preparation of a TIF plan. Then, the council voted to hold a public hearing to establish TIF 1-16. The hearing was set for Monday, June 8 at 6 p.m.
On March 26, Mayor Archer had signed a determination stating that due to COVID-19 safety concerns, the city could hold meetings via telephone or other electronic means. At this meeting, the council discussed the matter, and chose to continue holding the meetings “in-person” at the community center until further notice. Social distancing of at least six feet space, and no more than 10 people in the room, will be observed.
Zimmer informed the council that the Spring Valley 100/Summer Kickoff event has been canceled, and the citywide clean-up event which had been scheduled in May has been postponed. No makeup date has been announced.
The next regular meeting of the council will be Monday, April 27, at the community center. Signage at the community center explains that although the public is welcome, during the social distancing expectations, the meeting area is limited to no more than 10 people total. If necessary, some citizens will be asked to wait outside until the portion of the meeting which involves them.
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