The Spring Valley City Council held a regular meeting on April 11. All council members were present (Mayor Tony Archer, John Dols, Chris Danielson, Luan Ruesink, and Greg Brooks). City Administrator/Clerk Deb Zimmer also participated. No visitors had signed up to address the council.
Greg Melartin addressed the council regarding the request for street closures for the annual Fins & Films event. Melartin’s email to the city stated, in part, “For this year’s Fins and Films July 29 and 30, we are asking to close down Broadway from Jefferson to Main on both Friday noon until Saturday at midnight. And the east section of Jefferson in front of my shop for the burnout show. We are also requesting that up to 15 vintage show campers be allowed to camp downtown and show vehicles be allowed to remain parked overnight. Additionally, we ask that the old semi parking lot be used for modern camping. We will coordinate with downtown businesses to ensure their clients are allowed unimpeded passage.”
Chris Danielson asked about the plans to ensure accommodations for the impacted businesses. Melartin replied, “I spoke to Pam on Thursday. But we’ll put cones or something… in front of Elaine’s, and the same thing in front of Big Bob’s, for Friday night into Saturday morning… The most important thing is that downtown businesses benefit.”
Luan Ruesink asked if the request creates any concerns for the fire department. There were none. Mayor Archer added that traditionally, most of the cars displayed are not left there overnight. The council approved the request as submitted.
The council considered the issue of South Park ballfield lights. Park & Rec Director John Fenske stated, “Last year, we were having trouble, getting through about halfway through the night, and the lights would blow. Tim from Utilities thought it was the breakers.” But he added that a larger problem was discovered, which would be expensive to fix. He summarized, “It’s not safe, they wouldn’t even hook it back up.”
Deb Zimmer shared that although the proposed repair wasn’t budgeted, there are adequate funds available for utility improvements. Several council members said “safety first,” and the council voted to approved the repair.
Fire Chief Dustin Johnson addressed the council on several proposed purchases for the fire department. He spoke of the interest in purchasing a “grass rig” and said, “Right now, we have a rough estimate of the total price… and the window to get in to purchase a state bid truck is the week of the 20th, and it’s only going to be a short window. So we did get a price through Spring Valley Chevrolet, …so right now the total is just shy of $120,000, with the truck, the entire skid for the back, the 250-gallon tank, the pump, completely installed, and then the few accessories that we’re going to be doing.” He said Rural Fire has already approved the plan, which asks Rural Fire and the city to each pay $50,000, with the department covering the remainder. The council approved the purchase as outlined.
Johnson then discussed requests to purchase turnout gear. He explained that turnout gear expires after 10 years, so the department is striving to get on track with a replacement rotation plan. He asked the city to approve the purchase of five full sets of turnout gear, with the city and Rural Fire each paying 50%. This was approved by the council. Johnson then discussed a request to buy pagers. The council tabled this item until next month.
Deb Zimmer reminded all that, “City cleanup is going to be May 21, from nine to noon. Same location, out by the county shed, the salt shed.” Danielson said that as spring arrives, more ATVs will be driving in town. She asked that all ATV users remember to be respectful, and “kind of take it easy” regarding speed.
The next meeting of the council will be Monday, April 25 at 6 p.m., at city hall. The public is welcome.
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