The Spring Valley city council held a regular meeting on June 27. All council members were present (Mayor Tony Archer, John Dols, Chris Danielson, Luan Ruesink, and Greg Brooks). City Administrator/Clerk Deb Zimmer participated as well.
Zimmer shared with the council regarding the city’s enforcement of excessively tall grass and other violations of city ordinances aimed at keeping the city orderly. Zimmer’s report included, “Letters were sent for long grass notice. Mowers were hired to mow three properties. The Warrant came through for the cleanup of the Sass property. Working on getting that scheduled.”
Zimmer’s report also included information related to the upcoming work on the city’s 2023 budget. A “work session” for the council to begin budget decisions is tentatively set for August 17.
A visitor (Gwendolyn) asked the council about the wage study being done, and about the survey that was done a few months ago. Zimmer replied regarding the wage study, “They do a comparison with area towns just to see if we’re within range with what other cities are offering.” Regarding the survey, Zimmer answered, “I think that was our Comprehensive Plan, and we won’t have that back until September.”
Chad Hindt, Streets director, reported that the city received the new street sweeper that was ordered, and also got training on how to use it. He added, “We’ve been spraying, trimming, and mowing lawns.”
A report from Jenny Simon, library director, included, “The summer reading program is off to a fast and furious start. Last week we had Pam Freet and Sarah Hansen with ‘What do Bees do when no one is Looking?’…We had just under 100 people at the program and a total of 200 for the day at the library.”
Simon’s report also stated, “Our MN Author Tour visit with Brian Freeman has been postponed until July 23 at 5:30 p.m…. We have added another ‘Leather Smash It!’ class and another take home kit from Jen Anfinson (macrame keychain) that are free. Those are both in August and are paid for with Legacy funding. You must sign up ahead of time as spaces are limited.”
The Ambulance report stated, “We have two student EMTs from the class out of Lake City, they have been riding along for their needed patient contacts for the last couple weeks. Both are students at Kingsland… Couple exciting training opportunities in the near future. July 5 presentation on PTSD, July 16 day long workshop on Hostile shooters, and in August a cadaveric lab at Mayo on the cardiac and respiratory systems.”
The EDA report told of the success of the “Wednesdays on Broadway” kickoff event that was held June 15, and the next will be July 20. There was also an update on the Spring Valley Spring Creek Mural Project, which is noted to be roughly half completed. No unveiling date has yet been set.
Luan Ruesink said she’s been approached by citizens about excessive dog barking noise from some homes. It was suggested that any residents bothered by barking dogs should call the sheriff’s department, so that a deputy could witness it firsthand. Chris Danielson made a similar suggestion regarding fireworks.
John Fenske’s Park & Rec report stated that summer activities are in full swing, and he Chad and the Streets crew for trimming at the parks. The next meeting of the Spring Valley City Council will be 6 p.m. on Monday, July 11, at city hall. The public is welcome.
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