Superintendent Rachel Udstuen announced the 2022 American Education Week Citizen Recognition Award recipients at the November Spring Grove Public Schools board meeting on November 21.
Awardees are Leanne Kingsley, Roger Housker, and Jenny Stender.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Aaron Solum.
Board members present included Chairman Solum, Stephanie Jaster, Rhan Flatin, Aric Elton, Kelly Rohland, and Jenny Stender.
The board unanimously approved the consent agenda, including the agenda, minutes from the October 18 regular board meeting, and the treasurer’s report. In addition, the board approved paying the bills, the 2022-23 seniority list, accepted the resignation of Toby Leahy, junior high assistant boys basketball coach, and hired Jordian Leahy as the junior high girls basketball coach.
Principal Luke Kjelland reported that the Spring Grove Student Personal Learning Plan (PLP) is being used by the teachers to communicate with parents and students. “This is what teachers are taking the kids through with their parents at conferences,” explained Kjelland. “It sets those goals; if I’m not there, how do I get there.” The feedback from staff has been positive, and the exercise created mindful conversations between parents and students.
“We are spending most of our day subbing,” shared Kjelland referring to himself, Meinertz, Udstuen, and Counselor Scott Solberg.
On Friday, November 18, the school had 80 students absent from school; by Monday, the school had over 100 absentees. But, Udstuen added, “We are not alone.”
On November 9, 55 students, including nine from Spring Grove, visited Harmony Enterprises, Harmony Kids Learning Center, and POET Biorefinery as part of the college and career readiness initiative. Kjelland announced that Gundersen Health System would be participating this year. In addition to an overview of the company, Gundersen will offer opportunities to learn about careers in the medical field and support staff.
Student Council President Maggie Lile attended the board meeting via Google Meet and announced that the student council sponsored the annual coin war to raise money for elementary students. As a result, elementary students raised $1,424.88 for the Houston County Food Shelf. The group also sponsored a fundraising event for high school students. High schoolers raised $142.85 plus an additional $95.00 from a student and staff volleyball tournament the week before Thanksgiving. The council is also planning a winter dance — the date and time to be announced.
Assistant Superintendent Gina Meinertz announced an exciting partnership with LAX Fabricating that will benefit students taking the school’s welding students is in the works. Meinertz explained that the partnership would lead to certification in the field. “Students will be able to interweave internships and job opportunities within LAX while in high school,” explained Meinertz. “It is a pretty cool partnership.”
The school received a $5,000.00 grant from Semcac for the theater partnership program with Ye Olde Opera House.
In May 2022, there were 342 students enrolled, and there are currently 356 students enrolled in the school.
Knowing that the school does not budget for tournament costs, Todd Olerud with the Athletic Booster Club proposed that the club employ a fundraising business to raise funds. The funds would be used to offset the tournament costs. Funds would also be used to purchase equipment as the number of students enrolled in sports has increased. Olerud noted that the money would come directly to the school. He pointed out that the company charges a 20% fee on all donations collected. This would be in place of a letter-writing campaign that the school needs more time to create. The board agreed that the club should move forward.
In other business, the board:
•Approved a contract with Dan Eiken. Eiken is the new assistant junior high boys basketball coach.
•Accepted the 2021-22 World’s Best Workforce Annual Report.
•Approved the second reading of Policy 722 – Public Data Requests.
•Approved the resolution to combine polling places.
On December 7, 2022, at 5 p.m. in the school’s Learning Resource Center, the school board will hold a work session. ISG will present the findings from the facility assessment.
Solum called to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Spring Grove Public School Board is Monday, December 19, 2022, at 7 p.m. in the school’s Learning Resource Center. In addition, the school continues to offer board meetings on Google Meet for anyone who would like to attend virtually. For assistance monitoring the meeting, contact the district office at 507-498-3221 or email
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