1A-E Qtr > R-P (#8, 1-19) 1, Randolph (#1, 16-2) 0 (RP: S. Skalet 7 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 7 K, 1 BB, Win. Skalet walked and scored courtesy of a couple Rocket errors in the 7th. Rockets put two on in bottom of the 7th, but a ground-out ended it)
1A-E Qtr > Houston (#7, 6-9) 5, W-K (#2, 10-9) 12 (Canes had just three hits. They finish at 6-10)
1AA-W Qtr > Triton (#6, 6-13) 2, GMLOK (#3, 16-4) 5 (GMLOK: A. Meskill 7 IP, 2 H, 2 ER, 2 BB, 6 K, Win, 2-2, RBI; G. Corson 2-2, two 2B, 2 RBI; Liz Jacobsen/C. Schmidt 1-3, R)
1AA-W Semi > GMLOK (#3, 17-4) 2, #10 in AA Z-M (#2, 16-5) 6 (GMLOK: H. Voigt 2-3, 2B. Z-M hit two HRs)
1AA-W Loser-Out > GMLOK (#3, 17-5) 6, Pine Island (#4, 14-9) 4 (GMLOK: G. Corson 2-4, two 2B, 2 RBI; Lindsay Welch 2-4, 2B, 2 RBI, R; Kellyn Webster 2-3, RBI, R; A. Meskill 7 IP, 4 ER, 5 K, 2 BB, Win)
1AA-W Runner-Up > GMLOK (#3, 18-5) 5, #10 in AA Z-M (#2, 17-6) 7 (GMLOK: Courtney Fate 1-2, 2 RBI, R; Gracie Schmidt 1-3, RBI, R)
1A-E Loser-Out > #8 R-P (2-20) 1, #2 W-K (11-10) 13 [5] (RP: Alli Oian 1-2, RBI. Trojans
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