It was a big week of LFC’s Kiera Olson. First off, the senior led her cross country gals to the TRC Conference championship, pacing the field for first place (21:07.1). The field, at least spots two and three, are also known as Olson’s teammates. Sisters Leah (21:23.5) and Bailey Ruen (21:24.1) took second and third. Sophomore Emily Snyder took fifth and 8th grader Kaylee Arndt seventh to give the Class A 3rd ranked Burros (18) the easy win over D-E (65). Maddie Smith (15th) and Ashley Miner (20th) also finished highly. Kingsland took 5th (of 11) behind Amelia Staat (16th) and Andrea Mettler (21st). Chatfield finished 7th and LARP 10th. Emily Didier took 9th for overall for the Cardi-Jans. On the boys side, LARP took 4th behind senior Dylan Linder’s 8th place finish. Chatfield took 6th behind Dillon Nolan (15th). LFC took 10th behind Casey Olson (19th). Kingsland finished 11th (of 11). Back to LFC’s Kiera Olson; the senior was voted as Minnesota’s girl’s representative for the Wendy’s High School Heisman, an award given to seniors “who never settle, dig deeper and reach higher,” those “who share Wendy’s values of giving back to their communities, treating people with respect, continuing education and excelling on the athletic field.” She advances to the National Finalist round.
About Paul Trende
Sports Reporter
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