A duly posted emergency meeting of the Board of Education, Independent School District No. 2137 was held in the choir room on Wednesday, March 16, 2020.
Board Chair Jackie Horsman called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Present: Maranda Emig, Noella Lund, Kyle Rader and Natasha Howard. Absent: Tiffany Mundfrom. Also, in attendance were Superintendent James Hecimovich, Elementary Principal Scott Klavetter and guests.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Chairman Horsman indicated this meeting would be a briefing on COVID-19. Schools will be closed from March 19-27, 2020 in the whole state of Minnesota. There is potential that this shut down will go longer. There will be no e-learning or remote learning, as this is considered distance learning. Staff is to be preparing during this time in case there is an extension of schools being closed.
Jim Hecimovich gave a briefing as to the current status. He has been in meetings with Mr. Klavetter planning for this situation. Distance learning needs to be provided to all students regardless of their current status. He met with all staff and informed them of current status, which is fluid at this time, encouraging staff that we will get through this.
Staff and PARA’s are to report as usual on Wednesday to help teachers and other staff as needed. This will be a time for staff and paras to plan in case we need to deploy distance learning.
SACC will continue to be open. Becky has been working on a plan for social distancing, possibly utilizing up to four rooms. Their personnel are working with families and individuals to make sure they have childcare. As directed by the Governor we must supply childcare for emergency/healthcare providers at no charge for currently enrolled children from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The school has an obligation to provide meals. Forms have been distributed to get an idea of how many are going to been needed. We’re working on distribution points of meals, for students in Wykoff and Spring Valley and meeting the needs of students that are remote.
Mr. Klavetter indicated that special services need to be considered for students with special needs, target services or those students that have no technology available. He indicated a survey will be taken to find out how many students do not have access to technology.
State testing locations and dates are still under consideration. Also, Prom and Graduation may be delayed, but everyone is working to meet all the student’s needs.
Chairman Horsman recommend everyone read the Governor’s Executive Order. Communication is very important, and we must make sure it’s very consistent and cohesive. Principals we will be meeting with staff on Thursday as how to best get information out to students and parents.
A decision was to have a SPECIAL meeting on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the Elementary conference room to review the COVID-19 situation.
Public questions were answered by the Board.
Emig moved to adjourn the meeting. Lund seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:38 p.m.
A duly posted regular meeting of the Board of Education, Independent School District No. 2137 was held in the choir room on Monday, March 16, 2020.
Board Chair Jackie Horsman called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Present: Maranda Emig, Noella Lund, Kyle Rader and Natasha Howard. Absent: Tiffany Mundfrom. Also, in attendance was Superintendent James Hecimovich and Elementary Principal Scott Klavetter.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Rader moved to approve the following consent items as presented: Board agenda; February 20, 2020 regular meeting minutes; March 2, 2020 work session minutes; Financial; March 2020 bills; Policy review; first reading as reviewed at work session; Policy adoption; second reading; Staffing; Hiring of Sue Wilson- Softball coach; Resignation of Michelle Reichstadt- Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, Alex Michenfelder- K-12 Music; Vicky Quimby- DCD Para; Angela Evers-Para, Brent Stinson- Paternity leave. Motion by Rader to accept, seconded by Howard. Motion carried unanimously.
Thank you to Board members, staff, paraprofessionals and the public who went out to thank the school bus drivers for all that they do to support our school. Knights of Columbus Council 13609 for their donation of $300.00 for the English play; MidwayUSA Foundation for their $1,048 for the Trap Team; Ody’s- Food donation for the Father/Daughter Dance; Girl Scout Troop 44574 for their volunteer work for the Father/Daughter Dance.
Public comments: Eva Barr, Wykoff Community LLC, repurposing the old school building. Wanting the Board to open a conversation regarding any use from Kingsland of the gym at the old Wykoff school.
Reports: There were no Student Reports – FFA / Student Council / Key Club today; PK-6 Principal – Scott Klavetter submitted a written report; Building and Grounds Director – Jason Thompson submitted a written report; Activities Director – Reid Olson submitted a written report; Mr. Hecimovich updated that due to the COVID-19 all sports activities have been cancelled; Community Education – Becky Bicknese submitted a written report; Business Manager – Amber Uhlenhake submitted a reported to the board; Superintendent/7-12 Principal – James Hecimovich reported to the board on COVID-19; Kingsland School Parents didn’t submit a report.
Old Business: None
New Business: Resolution Accepting Donations; Moved by Horsman, seconded by Lund to accept the presented donations. Knights of Columbus Council 13609 for their donation of $300.00 for the English play, MidwayUSA Foundation for their $1,048 for the Trap Team Motion by Horsman, seconded by Lund to accept donations. Roll call: Aye-5, Nay-0. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution is duly adopted. (Resolution is on file in the District Office.)
Howard moved to adjourn the meeting. Lund seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
-There will be a special meeting to update on COVID-19 on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 6 p.m. in the elementary conference room.
-The next work session will be held on Monday, April 6, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the elementary conference room.
– The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, April 20, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room.
Please Note: Due to COVID-19, the board chair and superintendent will conduct teleconferencing with the remaining five (5) board members to mitigate exposure to COVID- 19. Minnesota School Boards Association provided the following guidance (
On Friday, March 13, Gov. Walz issued Executive Order 20-01, which declared a peacetime state of emergency pursuant to his powers under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 12: Emergency Management. This step allows school boards to meet by conference call or other electronic means under Minnesota Statutes 13D.021.
The following conditions must be met for the board to meet by conference call:
1. The “presiding officer, chief legal counsel, or chief administrative officer” of the school board “determines that an in-person meeting…is not practical or prudent because of a health pandemic or an officially-declared emergency”;
2. All school board members can hear one another and hear all discussion;
3. The public present at the regular meeting location can hear all discussion and all votes, unless attendance at the regular meeting location is not feasible due to the health pandemic or emergency declaration;
4. At least one member of the school board, chief legal counsel, or chief administrative officer is physically present at the regular meeting location, unless unfeasible due to the health pandemic or emergency declaration; and
5. All votes are recorded by roll call (Minnesota Statutes 13D.021). Note that items three and four have a disclaimer for a health pandemic.
A duly posted regular meeting (work session) of the Board of Education, Independent School District No. 2137 was held in the elementary conference room on Monday, April 6, 2020.
Board Chair Jackie Horsman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Board chair was present in the elementary conference room. Present (teleconferencing): Maranda Emig, Noella Lund, Kyle Rader, Natasha Howard and Tiffany Mundfrom. Also, in attendance was Superintendent James Hecimovich, Elementary Principal Scott Klavetter, and Building & Grounds Director, Jason Thompson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Policies were reviewed. First reading included 422, 423, 424 and 425. Second readings included 417, 418 (Form also), 419, 420 and 421.
Reports: There were no Student Reports. PK-6 Principal – Scott Klavetter submitted a written report; Building and Grounds Director – Jason Thompson submitted an oral report; Mr. Hecimovich submitted a written report and also reported the purchase of 2-buses and 320-meals served daily; Community Education – Becky Bicknese submitted a written report; Business Manager – Amber Uhlenhake submitted a written report.
Old Business: Klavetter and Hecimovich reported on distance learning; Hecimovich reported on the installation of a new speed limit warning sign installed on county road 1; Rebranding and strategic planning will be postponed until the Governor’s stay at home order is lifted.
New Business: Planned school events are on hold due to school closure (e.g. prom, Whitewater, scholarship night, graduation, etc.). Meetings will be conducted via teleconferencing (hiring interviews, board meetings, etc.); Capital outlay budget proposal was reviewed ($219,352); No changes to curricular offerings for SY2020-2021; Staff development plan will continue to support teacher licensure, mathematics, reading and Build Your Own Curriculum (BYOC); The conversion of school board meetings to teleconferencing (MN Statute 13D.021) was acted upon. Resolution to hold school board meetings by teleconferencing or other electronic means was moved by Horsman, seconded by Mundfrom. Resolution is duly adopted by roll call vote (Resolution is on file in the District Office.).
Community Outreach and Engagement: Website discussion was tabled until the Governor’s stay at home order is lifted.
Howard moved to adjourn the meeting. Rader seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
-The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, April 20, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary conference room (teleconferencing).
– The next regular meeting (work session) will be held on Monday, May 4, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the elementary conference room (teleconferencing).
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