School board member Terri Scott resigned from her position on the board due to moving out of the district. During a special meeting, Steve Storhoff was appointed to fill Scott’s seat until her term is up. He will begin serving on the school board in February.
At their January 28 meeting, the Lanesboro School Board approved the 2018 board elections, appointments, etc. Dave Ruen was elected as the board chair, Dave Lawstuen as vice chair, Steve Snyder as clerk, and Lolly Melander as treasurer. The meetings will continue to be on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the elementary library.
The Merchants Bank of Lanesboro was set as the district depository and the News Leader as the official newspaper. Nethercut Schieber Attorneys was set as the general business legal counsel and Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger as the school law legal counsel. The superintendent and board chair were authorized as the official contacts for those companies.
The annual compensation for board members was raised to $1,500 for the chairperson, $1,200 to the clerk and treasurer, $1,000 for the directors, $500 for the chief negotiator, $400 for the other negotiator, and $300 for the education district representative.
Board member Christine Troendle was appointed to the policy committee and the advisory committee. A second person will be appointed to the policy committee at the February school board meeting. Both Steve Snyder and Dave Lawstuen will serve on the finance, facilities, and long-range planning committee and the personnel committee.
Dave Lawstuen was appointed as the board representative for the Minnesota Sports High School League and Dave Ruen as the education district representative. The economic development and legislative liaison representative spots will be filled at the February board meeting.
Christine Troendle attended the Minnesota School Board Association conference for the second year in a row, and enjoyed the experience once again. She learned a lot about the role of the school board in the district and recommended the experience to all of the board members.
Stacy Schultz applied for and received a Toolbox Education grant from Lowe’s Home Improvement for the district, which will be used to build an outdoor classroom. Lowe’s employees will come to help build the structure.
The district is in the second round of the grant process for a $10,000 grant from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation to purchase the Creative Curriculum series to be used in the daycare, ECFE, elementary special education, preschool, and kindergarten. The goal is to be able to align the curriculum across all early childhood programs.
The 2018-19 school calendar was reviewed and approved.
The Region V joint powers agreement was approved by the board after being reviewed by Superintendent Schultz. The agreement was last modified and approved in May 1995. Region V is the financial computer services company that works with the district to run payroll, financial reports, etc.
A resolution directing the superintendent to make recommendations for adjustments in curriculum, programs, and staff for the next school year was approved.
The next Lanesboro School Board meeting will be held on February 15 at 7 p.m.
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