Photo by Barb Jeffers
It was announced at the Whalan City Council meeting on February 12 what bands will be playing at the Music on the Bluff series which will be held in Whalan in 2024.
Attending the February meeting were Mayor David Hallum, council members Thore E. Johnson, Sheila Higbe, Kim Berekvam and Owen Lewis (remotely), as well as City Clerk/Treasurer Teresa Grossell.
The Agenda with several additions including Diane Knight, Music on the Bluff, Gas Pump and Utility Poles was approved.
The council approved the Minutes of the January 8 council meeting, as well as the Treasurer’s Report.
Visitors Comments
There were no comments from visitors at the February Whalan council meeting.
New Business
•Joe Goetzke, new executive director of the Lanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce (LACC), attended the city council meeting to introduce himself to the council. He shared the state of affairs of LACC, looked toward the future of LACC, and asked the council if they had any questions or concerns. He brought several new Lanesboro and Whalan area visitor guides to share with the council, stating that the visitor guide is now available at many locations in the area.
•MiEnergy Wholesale Power Agreement for 2024 was approved.
•A letter was received from a resident, inquiring if the city of Whalan would consider plowing private residential driveways for a fee. Following discussion, the council decided that plowing of private residential driveways is not something that the city would consider.
•The revised Short Term Rental Ordinance from the Zoning Commission will be sent to the city attorney for review.
•The council was contacted by an individual who is planning to create a community piece of art using advertisement coffee mugs and was wondering if Whalan would like to be represented. The mug would need to be sent to the artist. The council will look into the request.
•Mary Bell, Renee Bergstrom and Diane Knight attended the meeting to ask the city of Whalan to serve as a fiscal agent. Bell explained that they would like to write a grant in order to document Knight’s poetry and create a media package to distribute in a number of ways. There is a foundation interested in doing the project but the group needs to have a fiscal agent. The request was approved.
Continued Business
Katlyn Evans was appointed to fill the open position on the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Lanesboro Area Community Foundation grant application is due by March 1. The grant amount requested can be between $250 – $5,000. The council will work together to complete the grant application.
A past due utilities account discussed last month has been paid.
The hall rent of $100 from October 20 has not been paid. Someone from the council will make contact with the individual to collect payment.
Final copies of the 2024 Budget were presented to the council to have on hand if needed for review.
City Clerk/Treasurer Grossell will be on vacation from February 29 – March 10.
The city gas pump seems to have a possible leak. The council will have it looked at.
The Rural Board Meeting held at the Lanesboro Community Center was to take place the evening of the Whalan council meeting. Mayor Hallum and councilmember Johnson planned to attend the meeting.
Hallum gave an update on the town’s Music on the Bluff series in 2024. Several bands have been booked for the events. Mollie B will play Friday, May 31; Lost Faculties will play Saturday, July 20; and Rutabaga Brothers will play Saturday, August 17. More information can be found on the city’s website. The music series and entertainment for the event was approved.
A utility pole in town looks to be in bad shape. Grossell will call MiEnergy to inspect the pole.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting will be held on March 11, 2024 at 5 p.m. at the Whalan Town Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
For more information, visit the city of Whalan website at cityofwhalan.weebly.com, or call the Whalan City Office at (507) 467-2212.
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