During the Mabel-Canton School Board’s regularly scheduled meeting on April 16, the board unanimously approved Superintendent Gary Kuphal’s contract for the 2024-2025 school year.
Vice chair Chris Miller expressed his appreciation, thanking Kuphal for a good job.
Miller called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The board unanimously approved the meeting agenda and the minutes from the March 19 regularly scheduled meeting.
Board members present included Chris Miller, Mark Weidemann, Dustin Tollefsrud, Diane Wilder and Traci Livingood. Board members Cristal Adkins and Jason Marquardt were absent.
There were no public comments.
The consent agenda, which was approved, included the 2023-24 budget, the claims report, and Jordan Nelson’s resignation as Junior Class Advisor. Nelson was thanked for his commitment to the junior class.
Student representatives reported that the seniors are back from their class trip. Principal Michelle Weidemann said that she heard all good things. She praised the seniors, saying that they are an “awesome group” of students. The senior turkey dinner was a success despite the “very cold, wet weather.” They served approximately 800-900 people.
Board member Wilder reported that the Winona Mall purchase went through and that the Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED) closed on the property today, April 16.
Superintendent Kuphal announced that he will meet with the Iowa families one more time to give them an update on what the school has done and let them know that the school has run into a dead-end. They will also let the families know what their options are. Kuphal explained, “It will really be in the individual family’s hands in terms of what they can do.”
Weidemann and Tollefsrud volunteered to represent the board at graduation on May 31 and hand out diplomas. The ceremony starts at 7 p.m.
The board unanimously agreed to fund an additional coach for five sports, excluding girls basketball. Superintendent Gary Kuphal explained that this decision prioritized safety and reflected current participation figures. Each new coach will receive $1,000 starting this fall, with funds earmarked solely for hiring extra staff. These expenses will come from the general funds. Kuphal referenced Lonnie Morken’s survey of area schools, noting that M-C employs one fewer paid coach than most of its peers.
Before approving the 2024-25 cooperative sports agreements with Fillmore Central for wresting and Lanesboro for track and field, Superintendent Kuphal explained, “It is the same sports agreement we have had for years, at least since I have been here.” The agreements were unanimously approved.
Recommendations from the facilities committee for capital outlay and LTFM projects for 2024-2025 were unanimously approved with Kuphal noting that the school is “in really pretty good shape.” Vice chair Miller thanked the committee for all their work.
The discussion continued regarding a potential bond referendum. Kuphal said that he and Principal Weidemann met with ISG explaining that “if they get this far ISG would do a community survey to determine the community’s level of interest and support plus also do pre-referendum services leading up to a potential vote.” Kuphal went on to say that they did an “initial walk-through to determine what areas we feel could potential be on the bond referendum.” They will meet again to “fine-tune” the list before it is shared with the board. The community would vote on the proposed referendum on April 8, 2025, and they would ask for bids in the fall of 2024 and construction would happen the summer of 2026.
The board unanimously adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m.
The next school board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Meetings start promptly at 6 p.m. and are held in Mrs. Peter’s science room, number 50. The public is welcome to attend. Add to your calendar the following regularly scheduled meeting dates, June 18 and July 16.
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