After 20 consecutive years, the Matt Hahn Memorial Arm Wrestling Tournament, which took place in Preston, Minn., has come to an end.
Matt Hahn was born on September 12, 1975 to Randy and Bonnie Hahn. Tragically, Matt lost his life as the result of a car fire on June 22, 1996 at the young age of 20-years-old.
Matt’s parents and his brothers, Chris and Rich, along with their large support group of extended family and friends struggled to cope with their loss, leaning on each other to get through.
Before his passing, Matt and Todd Ristau had gone to the fair board to see if they could get an arm wrestling tournament started but it was not approved.
“There were three things that Matt enjoyed tremendously in his life: his drum set, playing cards, and arm wrestling” states his dad saying “the kids used to get together and sit around and play some cards and then all of a sudden it went to arm wrestling” without fail.
“When we lost Matt we thought we needed to do something to carry on for Matt,” states Randy.
It was not long after that when Tracy Raaen called Matt’s parents and said they should all go down to the meeting that was being held at the Servicemen’s Club in Preston that evening and talk with them about starting a memorial arm wrestling tournament there.
Randy says of Raaen, “She was such a sweetheart with it and she presented it,” explaining what they wanted to do and that they wanted to use the proceeds for scholarships, and, “that sold it,” he states.
“They were very much in favor of doing it in front of the Servicemen’s Club,” and thankfully “they gave us a spot to go” so that the tournament named in Matt’s honor could get underway.
The first Matt Hahn Memorial Arm Wrestling Tournament was held in July of 1996 outside the Servicemen’s Club.
“We went from having one or two bleachers set up out there to five bleachers and it was plump full,” notes Randy, adding “it was just a great time” for all who attended.
Quickly outgrowing the space downtown and having to worry about weather, it was agreed the tournament would be held at the Fillmore County fairgrounds. After the tournament moved to the fairgrounds it gained even more momentum.
Those who used to arm wrestle with Matt, some of which include Mark Sikkink, Nate Scheevel, and Todd Ristau (who actually taught Matt how to arm wrestle), and numerous others attended and participated in the tournament. “And that group came back year after year to continue the wrestling” in Matt’s honor, states Randy.
“There were a lot of the kids that we talked to that were arm wrestlers and it created something more at the fair for them – something they really wanted to do,” comments Randy.
“After 20 years, there were a lot of kids that were wrestling that had no clue who Matt was, they just enjoyed arm wrestling,” states Randy, adding “so we reached a point – we had 20 years of arm wrestling – we’re probably done” and the decision was made to end the tournament.
Over 20 years, the Hahn’s have given out at least 32 scholarships which “amounted to about $19,000 total that we have given out, plus we have given from that account to other places like Dollars for Scholars” and other donations, bringing the total given in scholarships and donations to approximately $20,000.
Initially, the one or two scholarships that were given out each year were each in the amount of $300 and then rose to $500 each. The scholarships are applied for through the school and the Hahns choose who receives the scholarships.
Randy states, “We have no intention of quitting the scholarship – the arm wrestling is going to be done – that is finished, but we still have a pretty good fund left so we will continue to give scholarships until we literally run out of money” in that fund.
“We appreciate the support people gave us,” states Bonnie, adding, “it is phenomenal how it took off and lasted this long,” and Randy agrees, saying, “We figured it would be five or six years and we would be done but it just got bigger and bigger and bigger each year” with hundreds coming to arm wrestle and to watch others arm wrestle.
“Many nights we closed down the fair,” reminisces Randy, as there were so many people at the tournament. But no matter how fierce the competition, it remained all in good fun.
“One thing the fair board was afraid of was that there would be betting or fights” during the tournaments, states Randy, but “everybody got done, shook each other’s hand and walked away and enjoyed it” without any problems.
And Matt surely enjoyed it, too, as Randy says, “I know he’s there in spirit every year,” saying, “he would have just loved this,” and would have been the first in line to arm wrestle his friends and also his nephews, Braden and Bronson, who have competed in the tournament.
The Hahns appreciate everyone’s support over the last 20 years from those who competed, donated, and helped in any way.
Particularly, Bonnie says “I don’t know what we would have done without siblings Todd (Ristau), Sharon (Prinsen) and Tracy (Raaen),” explaining, “they have been there since day one,” helping run the event.
Randy agreed, stating, “they announced, judged, wrestled and put together all of the boards for signing them in,” adding, “everything was taken care of by them” and saying “we have been able to go there and set up bleachers and got the PA system set up,” but they did the rest. “They did the hard work,” notes Bonnie.
“Our families grew up together,” explains Bonnie saying “the kids were in 4-H together” and were very close. That bond has only grown stronger after they lost Matt.
The Hahn’s wish to acknowledge and thank John Torgrimson who was always willing to lend a hand when he owned the newspaper in Preston, by taking photos or offering free advertising for the event. Ron Scheevel was also willing to help by lending his PA system for the tournament for many years.
They also wish to thank numerous family and friends for their support, as well as the Servicemen’s Club and the Fillmore County fair board.
As for the fate of arm wrestling at the Fillmore County fair Randy says, “Whatever happens from here is up to the fair board,” as they have been informed that the Matt Hahn Memorial Arm Wrestling Tournament has completed its final year.
Many area kids have received scholarships and appreciated them so much that they have attended the tournament the following year and have donated back to the event.
Prior friendships have grown and many new friendships have been formed due to the Matt Hahn Memorial Arm Wrestling Tournament. Matt would have liked that.
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